"There is no way a cannon has such powerful rounds. What is the diameter or caliber of the cannon that fired?" thought Myrus, confused by the information.

In the end, Myrus gave up because his head was dizzy from seeing the various pieces of information. Myrus went to the medical center in the building to get headache medicine...


Principality of Qua Toyne, Port of Meihark

There was a tremendous amount of activity going on at Meihark Harbor at this time. Meihark Harbor is decorated, and VIP facilities are provided. The Great Eastern Conference will be held in the capital of the Principality of Qua Toyne, Qua Toyne. These conferences were held by countries outside the civilized or 'barbarian' areas. Because the "civilized" countries were not present at the conference, the participating countries could freely discuss matters that might offend the "civilized" countries. Due to its proximity to Qua Toyne, the port of Meihark is the port where conference participants will come. From Meihark, they would be taken by car to Qua Toyne.

The conference participants were amazed at the facilities and developments seen in the city of Meihark. The changes were in stark contrast to the last time the conference was held 2 years ago. Giant ships that don't use sails are busy going in and out of the harbor, and the harbor itself has changed completely, becoming very large with modern facilities that are unknown to them. Several warships belonging to the Principality of Qua Toyne also appeared on patrol. The ships clearly seemed to have far higher technology than the Principality of Qua Toyne military ships they had known before. The building where they were received before heading to Qua Toyne looked very nice with a bright light source and wasn't made with fire or magic stone. The room temperature was very comfortable, in contrast to the temperature outside.

As they headed for the car that would take them to Qua Toyne, they were surprised to see the carriage that didn't use horses. When they drive the car, they also feel the driving comfort of the car they are riding. Several people who had visited Mu recognized the vehicle and wondered why the Principality of Qua Toyne had such a vehicle. Does the Principality of Qua Toyne have a special relationship with Mu? They also saw the road that had been neatly paved, as if it had been made of one stone.

The conference attendees also became amazed at the development progress at the Principality of Qua Toyne when they arrived at Qua Toyne. Many magnificent buildings have been erected which have more than five floors. The streets look very neat and very clean. Because they arrived at Qua Toyne in the afternoon, waiting for the other delegates to arrive, they saw bright street lamps illuminating the streets and neighborhoods of Qua Toyne.

Arriving at the hotel, once again they were amazed at the luxury and various equipment described as not using the principle of magic. The luxury of the hotel rivaled that of palaces in other countries. The use of elevators, temperature regulation, and good lighting throughout the building caught the attention of the delegates. They were even more surprised to hear the explanation that much of the modern equipment had already been produced in the Principality of Qua Toyne. They also saw that the food they ate was of very high quality and had a very wide variety, very different from the state of the Principality of Qua Toyne they knew.




The Great Eastern Conference

Two days after that, after all the delegates arrived at Qua Toyne, the Great Eastern Conference was opened. The conference was attended by:

- Principality of Qua Toyne
- Kingdom of Quila
- Kingdom of Mao
- Kingdom of Clouds
- Kingdom of Topa
- Some other small countries

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