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Start from the beginning

"That's perfect, Vee. You might be closer to me than I originally thought." He stands, grabbing the shoebox from the top of the black shelf in the corner. "These photos hold secrets, and that's why Jungkook kept them hidden away from new members. It was too heartbreaking to recall all of the damages, but Yoongi's secret is included in these photos, too. All you have to do is look." Once taking the shoebox and walking back to me, he places it on the table and slides it over with ease.

"Just be sure that whatever you see to keep it to yourself." He reminds me, watching the way my fingers are already opening the top of the box.

Pulling out the first photograph, I see a picture of Ghost, younger and with shorter hair, who has his arm draped around Acid while they're laughing. I glance up at him, and his eyes are staring at the photo while remaining silent.

I keep grabbing different photos where I see the cycle of happy memories and good times before the disaster.

It's only when I find a picture of Yoongi's arm wrapped around a guy's shoulder that I stop and analyze the photo more carefully. I see them laughing, a picture taken at the perfect moment in time while holding drinks at what seems to be a party. However, when looking close enough at the next photos, Yoongi is always focused on him. He must be Hoseok.

Ghost is right. There's no need to say anything because these photos tell more than words.

"Yoongi had feelings for Hoseok, but I don't think Hoseok felt the same. These photos were taken before Yoongi confessed, I believe. However, after these photos, it was never the same between them. I don't know what happened to be completely honest, but they eventually made up and were closer than ever right before he died." Ghost sighs.

"Either way, Hoseok risked his life for him and because of that, Yoongi is with us today. Whenever Yoongi starts acting strange, it's best to leave him be. I'm glad you brought him in from the cold. The last thing we need is for someone to become sick." He admits while I let everything he said sink in.

I know a little more, but to be completely honest, sneaking around Yoongi's back to find out his past isn't right. If Yoongi wants to tell me, then he'll do it himself. But at least now I know a little more about the situation. Hopefully, he won't do anything else like what he did last night, at least for a while.

"Thank you for telling me, Ghost. I appreciate it." I add, watching him stand up and go to a corner where a coffee pot is set down. I watch him pour a mug and walk back over to the table, handing me one.

I take it out of his hand as if I haven't had coffee in ages, but it's only been a few days. It's crazy how long it feels like it's been since being home.

"Do you know why Jungkook was so pissed off this morning? I mean, he pulled Yoongi downstairs while he was still in his underwear." I ask, letting the warm liquid run down my throat.

His eyes wander for a moment, then he parts his lips while slipping into his seat.

"Want me to be honest?" I watch the way his eyes flick to mine, wanting to make sure before proceeding.

I nod, never allowing my lips to pull away from the rim of the mug.

"Jungkook is worried for many reasons. First, he's afraid Yoongi won't be able to handle getting close to someone and losing them. If you decide to leave here—and this goes for your friendship—after you've gotten close, it might destroy him. Yoongi still hasn't healed from Hoseok." He says, placing both of his palms over his mug.

"The second reason is sex. I believe he was afraid you two might have been, well, screwing, to put it bluntly. I think after everything that now he understands, or will after I tell him to cool off, but I think he knows deep down what he did was wrong."

"Why does he care so much? I mean, we were only trying to get warm, nothing like that happened." I release my mug from my lips, placing the almost-empty cup on the table. "You should have seen him and how he was acting. It was insane." I continue, watching the way Ghost's lips stay straight.

"Vee, I'm going, to be honest with you about something." He begins, taking a moment to think about how he's going to say whatever it is he's about to tell me. "Jungkook has a dark secret, and so does Acid. I know you don't want to know everyone's secrets, I get it, but I have to know because I'm the leader of this place. If I have to make all the hard decisions, then I need to know who can get it done, who's emotionally ready to go, whose health should I worry about, who has severe allergies, and everything like that. As a leader, I feel both close to my family, yet far away, too."

He pauses for a moment. "Nobody happily comes to me with their secrets; they do it because I need to know about it to decide what they can do at that moment. I'm not the only one who knows secrets, others do, too, but I am like a lock who knows about it all. It just sucks people have to come to me because I'm sure to them it feels like I'm forcing them to do so. I don't want to seem that way, but I gotta know, you know?" He ends it with a question while I only shake my head yes.

I understand the responsibility part perfectly. I was always the one taking care of my father and me, even when I was young.

"For the sake of keeping secrets, I'll only say that Jungkook is hell-bent on using condoms. He's as serious as ever about them." He stands up and checks his watch.

"I gotta head out to check up on some equipment, but stay until you're ready to leave. Pour another cup of coffee if you need it, take a nap if you want to, and use this place as you'd like. I'll be back in a couple of hours." He says, grabbing a white tee shirt and a jacket while stepping into a pair of shoes and leaving quickly.

After what I just heard, I wouldn't mind grabbing another cup of coffee, and possibly some Z's, too if that means I can relax.

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