Chapter 42

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Sirius stretched his arms over his head with a groan as he and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team put their equipment away after practice. It was their final practice before they played Slytherin that weekend, and James was gazing around at them all in pride.

"The cup is ours this year," he declared fiercely. "And Slytherin won't even know what hit them this weekend."

The team simply smiled and nodded. They were all fairly wiped out from practice. Sirius yawned and slung an arm around Sadie's shoulders as soon as James dismissed them all. Olivia narrowed her eyes at them but didn't say anything; she had, in the main, left them alone since Sadie's stunt in the Great Hall several weeks ago, though they got the sense that she was simply biding her time. Nevertheless, they were happy to not have to deal with her flirting for the time being.

Sadie slid her arm around Sirius's waist and looked up at him with an adoring smile that made his heart skip a beat. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers briefly, making her cheeks go slightly pink.

"Maybe we should find an empty classroom on our way back up to the common room," she murmured, and Sirius simply grinned in response and quickened his pace. Upon reaching one of their most frequented classrooms, they quickly glanced over their shoulders before slipping through the door. They were a bit hasty, however, and neither of them noticed Olivia watching them quietly from the shadows.

Sirius wasted absolutely no time in lifting Sadie up by the waist and setting her onto the top of one of the desks. She wrapped her legs around him to draw him closer and let out a happy moan as he captured her lips in a deep, searing kiss. Her hands went up to tangle in his hair, and he found himself losing a bit of focus at the feeling of her fingernails on his scalp.

It was incredible, really, the effect that she had on him. He'd been with other girls in the past, of course, but none of them had ever come close to igniting the kind of fire in him that Sadie could light with the simplest of touches. He felt his entire body tense as she ran a hand down his chest and slid it just under his shirt to trail her fingers along the skin just above the line of his trousers. With a groan, he detached his lips from hers and instead moved them down to explore the soft skin of her neck.

It hadn't taken long at all for him to discover that this was one of her favorite things. He absolutely relished the soft moans and whimpers that escaped her throat right next to his ear as he sucked gently at the skin just beneath her jaw. At one point, she let out a quiet gasp and involuntarily jerked her hips against his. He paused and sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation, his hands fisted tightly in her robes.

Sadie, too, had frozen, and he could feel her trembling slightly as she took deep shuddering breaths. He was about to step away and sheepishly suggest that they take some time to cool off when she seemed to suddenly spring back to life. Her hands both found their way to the hem of his shirt and hurriedly lifted in up to tug it over his head. Her eyes were dark as they met his, and Sirius, breathing heavily, crushed his lips to hers with even greater fervor than before.

Before long, a few more items of clothing lay discarded on the floor. Sirius was dimly aware that this was a lot further than they had ever gone before, and he was just about to pull away and ask if she was okay when a throat cleared behind him. Sadie let out a gasp, and Sirius whipped around to see Professor Averett eyeing them disapprovingly. Sirius cleared his throat and carefully positioned himself in front of Sadie before giving their professor his most charming, sheepish grin.

"Evening, Professor." He was still breathing heavily, a fact that was evident as he spoke. He could hear Sadie struggling to catch her breath as well, and he had to fight back a smug grin. "Fancy meeting you here." He was glad that it was Averett at least who had caught them instead of McGonagall or...well...any other teacher really. Averett was definitely the most easygoing of the staff.

Sirius realized, however, as he studied the professor's face, that he looked anything but forgiving as he took in the scene before him. Sirius's grin faded from his face as Averett gave him a slightly scathing look.

"I suggest you both make yourselves decent and get back to your dormitory. You should both know that this kind of behavior is unbecoming of Hogwarts students, and you'll both be serving a week's worth of detentions. Miss Potter, you'll report to me every evening at 7:00 sharp, and Mr. Black, you'll report to Mr. Filch at the same time." His eyes lingered on Sirius with a dark look that Sirius was rather shocked and confused by, but he shook it off as the professor turned on his heels and left the room.

Neither Sadie nor Sirius moved for several seconds until Sadie finally shifted to slide off of the desk. Sirius looked at her and was about to make a joke about the situation when he noticed a troubled, anxious look on her face.

"Hey," he said quietly, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze as they both pulled their clothes back on. "You okay?"

Her eyes met his, and he could see some hesitation there. "Yeah...just...not thrilled about the detention..."

"Sorry..." He cleared his throat. "But hey! At least you get Averett! I'll bet his detentions are a cinch!" Sadie simply bit her lip in response. Sirius frowned. "What's up?"

"I dunno..." she mumbled. "I guess I just get a bit of a weird feeling from Averett..."

Sirius stared at her, puzzled. "What kind of a weird feeling?"

She gave him a wry smile. "When I figure that out, you'll be the first to know."

He chuckled, relieved to see her smile. "Maybe he has a crush on you," he teased. For a moment, that same troubled look clouded her features, but she shook it off and gave a forced grin.

"Well, who wouldn't, really?"

Sirius watched her thoughtfully as she pulled on the rest of her clothes, but by the time they had made it back to the common room, he had mostly forgotten about their conversation. He fell into a fitful sleep that night, though Sadie lay awake next to him for several hours, her thoughts racing anxiously.

A/N: Ooooooooooookay, so I know it's been forever and a day, and I know this is a really short chapter. I just really wanted to give you something of an update and promise that I have not abandoned this story, and I still have plenty of plans for Sadie and Sirius! To be honest, the last few months have just been some of the hardest of my life, and I've been in kind of a dark place. I can't guarantee how often I'll be able to update in the coming months, but I'm hoping it at least won't be as long between updates as this was. I've also got another story that's been kind of plaguing my thoughts, so I might start on that one soon as well to at least try to get it on paper so that I can focus a little more. Anyway, I love you all, and thank you for your patience with me!

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