Chapter 38

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The next morning, Sadie made her way down to breakfast and slid into the seat next to Sirius, giving him a peck on the cheek as she did so. He smiled warmly at her and wordlessly passed her a plate filled with her favorite foods. Her eyes lit up, and she beamed at him in gratitude before going to town on the breakfast.

"How was your run?" He asked her once she started to slow down. She swallowed and took a sip of pumpkin juice before replying.

"Good! Much better than a year ago!" She laughed with a shake of her head. "No broken ankles, no falls in the lake, and most importantly, no charming redheads!"

Sirius chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Good to know I won't be needing to duel anyone for your affections this early in the year."

"Eh," she shrugged. "I don't think red hair and freckles do much for me anymore anyway." She shivered slightly as his fingers slipped just underneath her shirt to trace light circles against her hip. The barest of smirks graced his face, but he gave no other indication that he had any idea the effect that he had on her.

"That's what I like to hear."

Professor McGonagall was making her way through the Gryffindors, handing out and making last minute changes to their timetables. When she reached Sadie and Sirius, she seemed to take brief note of his arm around her waist and the way that she leaned into him almost subconsciously. A knowing look flashed through the professor's eyes, and Sadie could have sworn she almost looked pleased. She made no comment on the matter, however, and simply pulled a sheet from the stack she had in her arms.

"Miss Potter, I must say that I was most pleased with your Exceeds Expectations on your Transfiguration O.W.L. I know it isn't your easiest subject, and I appreciate the work you must have put in to prepare." Sadie smiled shyly in acknowledgement of the rare bit of praise from her head of house. "You told me that you wish to become a healer, is that still the case?"

"Yes, Professor," Sadie nodded earnestly. She bit her lip nervously. "I know I scored well enough in Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, and Herbology to continue on to N.E.W.T level, but I wasn't sure if an E would be high enough for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to take me."

McGonagall nodded. "Professor Averett is happy to take Exceeds Expectations students." At the sound of Professor Averett's name, several girls looked up and giggled, causing McGonagall to purse her lips tightly. There was no question that the new professor was good looking, but it was clear that McGonagall disapproved of the immediate crush that most of the female student body had developed upon his introduction. "I am assuming you'd like to continue with Care of Magical Creatures as well?"

"I would," Sadie affirmed. "Are they going to be offering a Healing Magic course this year?"

"Perhaps next year if there is enough demand and we are able to find someone to teach it. You may try speaking with Madam Pomfrey. She has been known to take students under her tutelage on occasion, and I know that she has always been mightily impressed by your work." Sadie beamed. "This is already going to be a heavy course load, Miss Potter, and you'll have Quidditch as well, but are there any other classes that you feel you'd like to continue in?"

Sadie hesitated but shook her head. "No, I think I'd best leave it at that. Thank you, Professor."

McGonagall gave her a rare smile and waved her wand over the timetable before handing it to her and moving on to Sirius. Mary and Marlene had already gotten theirs and quickly leaned over to compare with Sadie.

"Slughorn first thing," Mary remarked upon looking at Sadie's. "I've got to say, I'm not sad to be dropping that class. But we've all got Averett this afternoon!" She giggled. "With times as they are, I think everyone should be taking Defense no matter what, certainly doesn't hurt to have a professor who's so easy on the eyes, eh?"

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