Chapter 34

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Sadie didn't wake up the next morning until sunlight was pouring in through her bedroom window. Her eyes opened slowly, and she let out an involuntary hum of contentment at the sight of Sirius slumbering quietly next to her. She noted with satisfaction that there was a healthy amount of color in his face and that his expression was calm and peaceful. Raising her hand, she gently brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. She could not remember being this happy in a long time.

They had spent some time the night before snuggling, laughing, and exchanging occasional soft kisses. They had both been exhausted, however, and it hadn't taken long for both of them to fall into deep sleep. Merlin, she had missed sleeping next to him, and it was even better now that both of their feelings were out in the open.

After a couple of minutes, Sadie sighed and reluctantly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Sirius in the process. She quietly grabbed a new pair of shorts and a tank top from her closet and crept down the hall toward the bathroom. Resisting the urge to sing loudly like she normally did in the shower, she started the water and stepped in, sighing happily as the warm water washed over her.

Twenty minutes later, she felt like a new person as she exited the bathroom and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Cinnamon rolls sounded delightful this morning, and she cheerfully got to work making the dough. These would take a while to make, but they were a labor of love, and Sadie's mouth watered slightly just thinking about them.

She was carefully arranging the raw pastries on a cookie sheet a couple of hours later when she felt Sirius's arms slip around her waist from behind. He pressed his lips to the side of her neck, making her shiver.

"Morning, Beautiful," he murmured against her skin. His voice was still delightfully scratchy from sleep, and Sadie had to swallow hard and take a moment to regain her focus. She set down the last cinnamon roll and turned in his embrace, draping her arms over his shoulders.

"Morning," she smiled, leaning back just far enough to look him in the eyes. "How are you feeling?"

Sirius took a moment to really assess his condition before nodding with a grin. "I feel great, honestly. Much, much better. You're bloody amazing, Sade."

Sadie bit her lip to keep from smiling at the praise. "I'm so happy you're doing better." She stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek before pulling away. "These just need to bake for about twenty minutes, and then I'll need to frost them. That should be plenty of time for you to go take a shower if you'd like."

His grin widened. "Is that your not-so-subtle way of telling me I smell?"

"No, it's my not-so-subtle way of telling you to get out of my kitchen and stop distracting me," she corrected sweetly.

Sirius smirked and moved closer to her, pressing her back up against the edge of the counter. "You find me distracting?"

It took all of Sadie's willpower to push him away and stick her tongue out at him. "Yes. You do smell, after all. Remember?"

His mouth fell open. "I knew it! How rude!"

Just go shower!" She giggled. He pouted at her before turning away and moving to leave. On an impulse, Sadie reached out and gave his bum a light pinch. He froze for a second before turning around to gape at her. Her smile faltered. "Sorry...I um...don't know exactly what came over me there..."

"Ohhhh Sadie Mae," he grinned wickedly. "You are playing with fire, Love." And on that ominous note, he spun on his heel and walked out of the kitchen.

Sadie stared after him uncertainly for a minute but then heard the water running upstairs and hesitantly went back to her baking. She could faintly hear his singing coming from the bathroom and felt fairly confident that he was indeed in the shower now. Once the rolls were in the oven, she immediately started on the icing, knowing that it often took her a while to get it to a consistency that she was happy with.

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