Chapter 35

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The next couple of days passed with James making disgusted faces and snide comments any time that Sadie and Sirius showed each other the slightest bits of affection, though it was clear that he was secretly pleased. Still, it got to be old rather quickly, and the couple found themselves hiding away frequently in either of their respective bedrooms. They did spend some time snogging, of course, but they more often than not elected to simply snuggle up together and talk about anything from how long it would take for Lily to finally give in and admit to having feelings for James to the random things they had each missed out on while they were not on speaking terms to, currently, various hopes and dreams for after they left Hogwarts.

"I still don't really know what I want to do career-wise," Sirius frowned. He was lying on his back with one arm wrapped around Sadie, holding her as close as possible as she curled up against his side with her head resting on his chest. Her fingers toyed with his shirt absently, a habit she had picked up years ago, and his heart warmed at the familiar feeling. "I think that the problem is that I don't fancy the idea of being tied down to a job right away, you know? I'd like to go out and experience some things. See the world and whatnot." He smiled grimly. "Of course, I'm sure I've been disinherited by now, so I suppose I'll need a job anyway."

Sadie sighed and tilted her face up to press a tender kiss to his jaw. "It'll work out. If nothing else, maybe we could get jobs abroad for a while."

"We?" He raised an eyebrow innocently, though his eyes were sparkling mischievously. "What makes you so sure that I want you to come with me?"

Smirking coyly, Sadie shifted until she was straddling his waist. She gave him a playful pout before leaning down to brush her lips against the side of his neck. He tensed slightly, and she smiled, moving to run the tip of her tongue along the outside of his ear before nipping softly at his earlobe. He inhaled sharply, his hands gripping her hips tightly, and she slowly pulled back just enough to pout at him again.

"You don't want me to come?"

Sirius cleared his throat, but his voice still sounded a bit strained when he spoke. "Oh, I suppose I could let you tag along. You know, at least for part of it."

She sighed dramatically and rolled off of him. "What a shame. And here I was hoping-oop!" She let out a squeak as Sirius suddenly flipped over on top of her and began placing hungry kisses along her neck and jaw.

"Tease," he growled, making her laugh and shiver at the same time. He moved up to press one long, slow kiss to her mouth before pulling back and smiling at her softly. "Come on, Sadie Mae, of course I want you to come with me. Anywhere and everywhere. And quite honestly, even if traveling doesn't work out...just getting to be with you is enough to make me the happiest person alive."

Feeling as though her heart might burst, Sadie couldn't keep the giddy smile off of her face as she reached up to pull his mouth back down to hers. Kissing Sirius was unlike anything she had ever experienced with Gideon. Sirius was just so...present and attentive, as though he was trying to commit every detail of every single moment with her to memory. The tenderness with which he held and caressed her was enough to make her knees go weak, and she noted with some embarrassment that her hands were shaking slightly as they gripped the back of his shirt. That thought was fleeting, however; it was difficult to feel self-conscious at all with him so transparently enamored with her. Her heart raced, and she couldn't help the soft sound of protest that escaped her throat when he pulled away to lean his forehead against hers.

He chuckled breathlessly at the noise and pressed one last chaste kiss to her lips before rolling off of her and wrapping his arms around her small frame. "Sorry, Love," he said sheepishly. "I've...uh...wanted this for a long time, you know? And isn't taking a lot to get me...well..." He cleared his throat and adjusted his trousers with a grimace. Sadie flushed as she realized what he was getting at. "Excited. I just...need a break before things get know...carried away..."

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