Chapter 23

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It was nearing the end of January, and Sadie found herself, once again, locked in a heated embrace with Gideon inside of an especially small broom cupboard. She wasn't exactly sure when or how it had happened, but both of their shirts lay discarded somewhere in the dark space, and Gideon's mouth was pressing hot kisses along her neck and shoulders. Sadie bit her lip and closed her eyes, heart hammering as she both enjoyed this level of attention and swallowed some anxiety that he might push her to go further. It had taken her a couple of weeks to become comfortable with even this, but that didn't mean that Gideon didn't make it perfectly clear that he wanted more.

As though on cue, he suddenly grabbed her hips and yanked them closer to press against his own. One hand snaked around to her lower back to keep her in place while his other crept up and brushed against the fabric of her bra. Sadie let out a strangled gasp and squeezed her eyes more tightly shut. Gideon apparently felt her tense up, and so he, very reluctantly, withdrew his hand and instead used it to grip her hip tightly. Sadie swallowed hard, trying to stop tears from welling up in her eyes. It had been like this for weeks now, and she could practically feel the frustration coming off of him in waves, even if he never expressed it verbally.

It didn't take long for her worries to move to the back of her mind as Gideon slowly kissed his way back up to her lips. It was obviously taking him a bit of effort, but he slowed down and kissed her more tenderly. His hands moved from her hips, one coming up to cup her cheek and the other tangling in her hair.

"I love you," he murmured between kisses. Sadie felt her heart leap the same way that it did every time he whispered those words to her. She hummed happily against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the feeling of his bare chest pressed against hers.

The door was thrown open, and they broke apart quickly, blinking against the sudden light that had filled the cupboard.

"What did I say, Lily?" Remus smirked, though he politely avoided looking directly at Sadie. "I told you we'd probably catch them somewhere during patrols."

Lily was frowning at them exasperatedly, though there was the slightest hint of amusement in her green eyes. "Lose track of time again? People have been looking for both of you all evening."

Gideon glanced at his watch and cleared his throat with a grin. "It would appear that way..."

Sadie gave Lily a sheepish look as she pulled her shirt down from where it was hanging off of a mop handle and yanked it over her head. "Are you going to take points?"

"Well, we certainly should," Lily told her, rolling her eyes. "But we'll give you a pass as long as you head straight back to the common room. Honestly, you're in the same house! Why on earth do you feel the need to sneak off to broom cupboards all the time?"

"It's more private," Gideon shrugged. "At least, you know, in theory..."

Remus snickered, though he tried to cover it up with a cough. Sadie narrowed her eyes and jabbed at his side as she exited the cupboard, causing him to yelp and glare at her playfully. She stuck her tongue out at him before turning on her heel and marching back toward the common room with as much dignity as she could muster. Gideon chuckled as he jogged to catch up with her. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind, slowing her down, and they walked slowly and somewhat awkwardly toward the staircase leading up to the Fat Lady's portrait. Sadie fought valiantly against the smile that was tugging at her lips, but to no avail.

"You know," Gideon said casually. "Maybe it's time we moved on from broom cupboards and empty classrooms to someplace where we're less likely to get caught by your prefect friends..."

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