Chapter 17

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"There you are!"

Both Sadie and Sirius jolted awake at the sound of Lily's voice. She was standing over them with her hands on her hips, looking irritable.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? We've got to leave for the train in an hour! You've still got to eat breakfast and finish packing! And Gideon has been looking for you all morning!" She eyed them disapprovingly. "I would avoid telling him whose bed you slept in if I were you."

"Relax, Lils," Sadie grumbled as she reluctantly removed herself from Sirius's arms and climbed out of bed. "I don't have that much packing left to do. And Sirius and I sleep together all the time. We were just up late last night..." She trailed off and smacked her forehead, eyes going wide. "Shoot! I've got to talk to Kettleburn! He needs to know about the forest!"

Sirius shushed her, sitting up with a stretch. "Relax. Go talk to him. You said you don't have much packing left. I'll run to the kitchens and grab some things for breakfast. You can eat in the carriage. No stress."

"You still have to pack too though!" She argued. Sirius grabbed his wand and flicked it, watching in satisfaction as all of his things flew into his trunk and folded themselves neatly. Sadie rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I hate you. Why have you not taught me that?"

"Just go!" Sirius insisted with a slight smirk. She stuck her tongue out at him but did as he said, rushing out of the room. Sirius stared after her for a moment with a bit of a goofy grin on his face until he noticed Lily watching him carefully. He cleared his throat and assumed a neutral expression. "Anything else I can do for you, Evans?"

She hesitated for a moment, thinking over her next words. "She's really happy with Gideon, you know."

Sirius fought back a groan of irritation. "I had picked up on that, oddly enough."

"Right," Lily laughed uncomfortably. "Of course. It's just...I guess what I'm trying to say is...she's really happy now, and that's great. But Gideon is graduating this year, and I just can't imagine that they'll stay together much longer than that. She'll still have two years of school left, after all. And if and when they break should tell her how you feel."

Sirius felt his face heat up. He stood and knelt down at his trunk to pull out his clothes for the day. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lily rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "Sirius, I'm pretty sure the only person who doesn't know you're completely head-over-heels in love with Sadie Potter is Sadie Potter."

He stilled and looked up at her wearily. "She really doesn't know?"

Lily sighed and shook her head. "Somehow she's as oblivious as ever. But, all I'm saying is that, as happy as she is with Gideon, I think she'd be happier with you." Sirius closed his trunk with a sigh.

"The thing is, Lily, it doesn't matter how happy I could make her if she doesn't have feelings for me." To his surprise, Lily's eyes began to sparkle.

"Well, who's to say those feelings aren't there? Maybe they just need a little...coaxing that she can stop pretending they don't exist." Sirius gaped at her, but, when he started to speak, Lily held up her hand. "That's all I have to say. Take it or leave it."

Sirius opened his mouth to persuade her to tell him more, but, at that moment, the bathroom door swung open, and James stepped out, still wet from his shower and wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Lily's jaw dropped, and James's eyes widened when he saw her.

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