Chapter 39

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James booked the pitch for Quidditch tryouts as soon as McGonagall would allow it. The Prewett twins had graduated, leaving open keeper and beater positions, and Shawna Larsen had regretfully told them that she wasn't planning on keeping her spot as a chaser as she was already feeling the stress over N.E.W.T.s and didn't think she'd be able to handle it. That had been a blow; she, James, and Sadie had worked together as chasers for years, and they'd be hard-pressed to find a replacement who could replace Shawna with the same chemistry. Nevertheless, it was with a growing sense of optimism that Sadie, James, Sirius, and Astrid gazed over the large crowd of students who had come to try out. Tryouts would probably take several hours, but it meant that they had an enormous pool of players to choose from.

They started with the beaters. There was a small portion of those tryouts that required Sadie to be in the air, but for the most part she got to just sit with James and watch as the contenders worked with Sirius. Several girls who were there to try out for the chaser position were whispering and giggling excitedly as they watched. Their level of excitement didn't change depending on which beater was trying out, so it was pretty clear that they were talking about Sirius. Sadie glanced back at them and noticed that they all seemed to be centered around one fifth year girl who was watching Sirius closely with a cool, confident smile on her face. She was absolutely gorgeous, with long blonde hair, flawless skin, and the kind of figure that even one couldn't help but admire. Sadie quickly turned back around the watch the rest of the tryouts, rolling her eyes with a snort. It was easy to feel at least a little threatened when the girl mooning her boyfriend looked like she belonged on the cover of a muggle magazine, but Sadie wasn't really worried. She knew Sirius was completely devoted to her and wouldn't so much as look twice in another girl's direction.

James glanced at her, then behind his shoulder, and then back at her with a knowing look on his face. "You know Sirius would give up just about anything if it would make you happy. He's so bloody nuts about you. It's actually pretty disgusting."

Sadie felt her face heat up, and she scoffed lightly. "That's rich coming from you, brother dear. Written Lily any love poems lately?" He rolled his eyes and poked her in the ribs, making her squirm away from him.

"I'm just saying. You really don't need to be worried about him getting distracted by other girls."

"I'm not worried," she grumbled. "It's just annoying is all. Anyway, shouldn't you be paying attention to the beaters?"

James gave her a lingering look before shrugging and turning back to the tryouts.

Whatever slight insecurity she might have been feeling was washed away as soon as the last beater tryout was finished. Sirius landed lightly next to her, his hair windswept and looking even more effortlessly alluring than usual. He was looking at her with the soft gaze that she knew he reserved only for her, and his arm slipped almost automatically around her waist as they and Astrid quietly discussed the beater tryouts with James. It didn't take them long to come to an agreement on who they thought would be the best fit for the team, and James announced to the crowd that fifth year Brendan Hatch would be taking the beater position. The other contenders for the spot gathered their things and walked dejectedly to the stands as Brendan tried and failed to hide the ecstatic grin on his face. Sadie couldn't help but giggle slightly.

Chaser and keeper tryouts were up next and taking place at the same time. James quickly instructed Sirius on how he wanted them run before he and Sadie rose into the air. Sadie grinned as Sirius leaned back in his seat and threw his feet up on the table in front of him as he began casually directing different players into the air. They went through several tryouts before it was Miss Model's turn. She stepped up, gave Sirius a flirtatious smile as she tossed her hair behind her shoulder, and introduced herself as Olivia Fontwell. Sirius wrote her name down on his clipboard and gestured for her to join Sadie and James in the air.

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