Chapter 24

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Sadie gasped as her back hit the wall behind her and his bare chest pressed against hers. He chuckled lightly and nipped softly at her earlobe before latching on to her neck and sucking gently. Sadie barely registered the moan that escaped her throat, and her fingers threaded themselves through his belt loops, tugging his hips more tightly against her own. He sucked in a breath, his hands wandering across her sides, stomach, and chest...

"Oh, Sirius..." she whimpered, her own hands moving to run over the muscles of his back and tangle in his unbelievably soft hair. He groaned and captured her lips in a searing kiss...

"Merlin, Sadie, knock it off and wake up!" A voice whispered urgently.

Sadie let out an involuntary whine of regret as she was pulled back to reality. She forced her eyes open and blinked in confusion at Lily, who was staring at her with an expression of mingled disapproval and amusement. Her hand was pressed tightly over Sadie's mouth, but she slowly pulled it away upon noticing that she was awake.

"You're lucky you didn't wake up any of the other girls. I'm sure you don't want everyone knowing what kind of dreams your having about...not your boyfriend."

Sadie felt her heart plummet, and her cheeks burned. "I don't...what..."

"Honestly, if you fancy Sirius so much, why in the world are you with Gideon still?"

"I do not fancy Sirius!" Sadie spluttered indignantly, but she wasn't sure who she was trying to convince. "It was just a weird dream."

Lily shook her head disbelievingly but didn't argue. "Whatever you say, Sadie. Don't you have Quidditch practice in a few minutes?"

Sadie glanced at the time with a start and leapt out of bed. "Thanks, Lils!" She yanked on her clothes, grabbed her broom and rushed down the stairs, a new sign on the bulletin board catching her eye. The next Hogsmeade trip was in two weeks, and it happened to fall on Valentine's Day. Sadie bit her lip as she hurried through the portrait hole and made her way down to the Quidditch pitch. Maybe that would be a good chance for her and Gideon to spend some good time together. Perhaps that would help her to get her mind off of Sirius.

She had talked to Gideon the day before and brought up the issue of Quidditch practices. He had reluctantly agreed to book the pitch and managed to snag a time that morning. Then Sadie had hesitantly gone up to his dorm with him, where they had spent a good couple of hours making out. She was extremely relieved that he didn't try anything more than she was comfortable with, though she did find herself growing a bit resentful of his constant need for physical intimacy, and she was none too reluctant to return to her own bed when the time came. She must have forgotten to silence the curtains, however, and was relieved that she at least hadn't had any nightmares. Though that may have been preferable to what she had awoken Lily with.

She felt her face heat up once again and struggled to banish the mental images of her dream from her mind. She must have fallen asleep thinking about Sirius, and her mind had just combined that with her memories of Gideon.

Yes, that must have been it.

She quickly shoved those thoughts out of her mind as a familiar head of red hair came into view. She forced a smile and hurried to catch up with him, looping her arm through his when she got there.

"Morning!" She greeted cheerfully. Gideon looked down and gave a forced smile that looked more like a grimace. Sadie frowned. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," he answered. "I guess Quidditch just feels like a bit of a waste of time. I'm just anxious to get this over with."

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