Chapter 40

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The next morning, Sadie practically skipped down to breakfast a bit ahead of the boys. She had spoken to Madam Pomfrey on the first day of term to ask if she might take her on as a mentee for the year, and the mediwitch had been all too happy to do so. This was to be her first day, as she had a free period right after breakfast, and she was eager to begin.

Sliding into the bench next to Lily and Mary, she greeted them cheerfully and began smearing marmalade on a slice of toast. The girls smiled at her and continued discussing the Charms essay that was due the next day. Sadie gladly joined in the conversation on comparing the properties of vinegar and wine. They were preparing to learn the vinegar-to-wine charm and had been assigned to study and write about what made this transformation particularly difficult.

They were just finishing up their food when Lily suddenly stiffened. "Who is that? And more importantly, who does she think she is?"

Sadie looked up in confusion and followed the redhead's gaze to see Olivia once again chatting animatedly with Sirius. He looked bored and a tad exasperated as she twirled her hair around her finger and leaned into him slightly, giving him an absolutely breathtaking smile. Sirius spotted Sadie watching him over Olivia's shoulder, and he sent her an apologetic smile and subtle eyeroll, making her laugh softly.

"That would be Olivia Fontwell, our new chaser," she answered Lily's question. "And it would seem that she thinks she's Merlin's gift to Sirius."

Mary was looking affronted. "Well, does she know that Merlin has already blessed him with the girl of his dreams?"

That made Sadie laugh out loud. "If you're asking whether she knows we're together, then yes, I'd say it's been made pretty clear. Does she think I'm the girl of his dreams? It would appear not."

"Are you not bothered?" Lily asked her through gritted teeth. "Because I sure am, and I'm not even the one dating him."

Sadie smiled softly in Sirius's direction. He seemed to be attempting to break away from the rather one-sided conversation, but Olivia would grab his arm playfully or simply walk alongside him each time he tried to leave. "I was last night," Sadie answered honestly. "But we talked about it, and honestly it's become a bit of a joke between us. It's rather annoying, yes, but..." She shrugged with a shy smile. "We're stronger than that, you know?" Sirius caught her gaze again and widened his eyes comically in a plea for help. "Looks like maybe I'd better go rescue him though."

The other girls watched curiously as Sadie loaded up a plate with all of Sirius's favorite breakfast items: sausage, a slice of french toast with strawberries and whipped cream, and a small bowl of yogurt and granola. She grabbed a glass of strawberry milk for good measure and waltzed cheerfully over to her boyfriend.

"There you are, Baby!" She greeted him sweetly. The corners of his mouth twitched at the pet name that she'd never used before. "I brought you some food." She leaned forward conspiratorially. "I figure we worked up quite the appetite last night." She grinned wickedly as James let out a groan. "Twice." A faint sound escaped Sirius's throat, and she could see he was trying not to laugh. "And again this morning! You must be starving!"

He smirked. "Worth every minute, Gorgeous." He took the food from her and winked. She gave him the most sultry stare she could muster before feigning surprise as she turned to look at Olivia.

"Oh!" She smiled brightly. "Hi Olivia! Good to see you! Excited for practice tomorrow?"

Olivia was looking as though she'd been slapped, but she quickly put on a sweet face. "Oh, yes, definitely! Hannah, right?"

Sadie could have laughed out loud but refrained. Her goal was simply to make it clear that Sirius was spoken for and happy. She didn't want to cause any sort of rift or drama on the team. "Sadie, actually, but that's alright! I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other now that we're teammates!"

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