Chapter 36

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It was Thursday evening, and James and Sirius were in the sitting room in the middle of an intense match of Wizards' Chess. It was the first time they had really spent one-on-one time together since Sirius had moved in, and James had made it clear that he was more than a little put out by that fact. Between turns, they were still arguing mildly about the situation.

"Honestly, I know you've liked her forever and all, but can't you still make time for your best mate? You're living here, and yet I feel like I've seen less of you this summer than I have in years!"

Sirius didn't respond right away, instead focusing on sending his knight forward in an attempt to trap James's queen. Then he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face wearily. "Can you honestly tell me that if Evans was suddenly giving you the time of day, you wouldn't be spending every possible moment with her?"

"That's different!" James argued. "That would be a totally new thing, and we would have tons to catch up on since we haven't even been friends. You and Sadie have spent plenty of time together in the past. It's not like you're trying to get to know each other." Sirius smirked and opened his mouth to beg to differ, but James hastened to continue. "You know what I mean! I don't want to hear about...that."

Sirius yawned. "Honestly, Prongs, you're more than welcome to hang out with us. We'd just appreciate it if you could cut back a bit on the sarcasm when you do."

James scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

At that moment, Sadie breezed into the room and smiled at them both. She pulled up a chair next to Sirius and slid into it, beaming up at him when he automatically draped an arm around her shoulders.

"Who's winning?"

"James, at the moment," Sirius frowned, scanning the board thoughtfully. "Only by a bit though." He looked away from the board, eyes softening as they landed on her face. "What have you been up to?"

"Helping Mum in the garden." She held up her hands to reveal the soil caked under her fingernails. "I was just going to go hop in the shower but wanted to see how your game was going."

Sirius grinned mischievously. "Want company?" James made retching noises as Sadie laughed.

"Down, boy," she teased. Standing up, she pressed a brief kiss to his lips before turning to exit the room.

"Ugh!" James exclaimed. "My eyes!"

Sadie stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before slowly turning back around. Sirius barely had time to catch the devious look on her face before she had slid into his lap and was kissing him heatedly. He knew she was doing it to get under James's skin, but he couldn't help the way his body responded as she nipped at his lip and explored his mouth enthusiastically. His hands, almost acting of their own accord, slipped underneath the hem of her shirt to trace circles along her hips and sides, making her hum happily into his mouth.

James was making choked sounds of disbelief, and Sadie pulled away and hopped off of Sirius's lap, giving her brother a sweet smile. "How are your eyes now, Jamie?" And with that, she flounced out of the room and upstairs to take her shower.

"Sweet Mother of Merlin..." Sirius muttered, eyes wide as he stared after her. His trousers were feeling uncomfortably tight, and he winced slightly as he adjusted them.

James was gaping after his sister. "Look, Pads, I'm happy for you guys. I really am. would probably be great if I never have to see anything like that again."

Sirius snorted. "Well, I wouldn't put it past her to do it again if you don't stop being such a drama queen every time we so much as hold hands."

James didn't have anything to say to that, so they simply went back to their game, only speaking to direct their pieces around the board. Sirius's thoughts were no longer anywhere near chess, however, so it didn't take long for James to completely demolish him. James gave him a knowing look but refrained from saying anything.

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