Chapter 22

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Sadie trudged up to the common room the evening after the first day of classes, brow furrowed in thought. She had just finished talking with Professor Kettleburn about what they had found out about the forest over the break. The professor had shrugged and given a sigh of bewilderment as he informed her that they didn't know anything more than she did; just that there was something wrong with it, and that was what was making the unicorns and students ill. They had transported the unicorns to a reserve where they could live healthily until a solution was reached. Sadie's heart ached when he confirmed that Rhea had gone as well, but she knew it was for the best.

She gave the password to the Fat Lady and walked into the common room. A smile lit up her face when she saw Gideon seated at a small table in the corner, his face screwed up in focus as he scribbled rapidly on a piece of parchment. She made her way over to him and boosted herself up to sit on the table. He glanced up at her for a brief moment before returning to his work.

"Hey, Sade," he greeted absently. Sadie felt her smile fade slightly. She reached over and placed her hand over his, stopping his writing.

"You look like you could use a break," she told him gently. "Want to go flying?"

He sighed and removed her hand. "I don't have time. Maybe another night."

Sadie blinked. "Oh. Right. Erm...homework already?"

"Studying for NEWTS," he responded shortly, and Sadie knew the conversation was over. Feeling a little hurt, she slid off of the table and made her way over to the fire, plopping herself down next to Lily and Alice, who smiled at her in greeting.

"Lily was just complaining about your brother," Alice warned her with a grin. Sadie laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Lils, let's hear it. What did he do this time?"

Lily scowled. "I walked up on him and Black tormenting Severus again. And when I told them off for it, he had the nerve to conjure up a bouquet of flowers and ask me to meet him at the top of the Astronomy Tower of all places. Honestly, even if I wanted anything to do with him, what kind of girl does he think I am? I know just what couples get up to up there!"

Sadie hid a smile. "I'm not sure it's as scandalous as you seem to think. Sure, people go up there for that sort of thing, but it's also just a romantic place. Sirius and I hang out up there all the time! As friends, of course," she added quickly at their raised eyebrows. "Not romantically. And I'm not saying that the way they treat Snape is okay,'s not as though it's all one-sided."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lily scowled. "I've never seen Severus pick on them the way they do him."

Alice snorted and muttered something incoherent. Lily frowned at her, and she sighed. "Well, of course he's not going to behave that way in front of you. The guy is, like, creepily obsessed with you. He's not going to do anything that he thinks might jeopardize his chances with you. He loves seeing you pick him over James and playing the victim all the time definitely gets you to do that over and over again. But, Merlin, when you're not around..." She shook her head. "You should hear the way he talks to Sadie. It's awful."

Sadie cleared her throat uncomfortably and looked away as Lily gaped at them. The redhead shook her head. "Severus doesn't have feelings for me. And he's not like that. You guys just don't know him like I do."

Sadie, not wanting to risk an argument, shrugged noncommittally. "Maybe." She happened to have a very good idea of how horrible Snape could be. Alice wasn't wrong about the way he treated Sadie, and he had a terrifyingly strong interest in the dark arts. But perhaps his worst offense, in Sadie's opinion, was his tendency to snoop about trying to discover where Remus disappeared to every month. If there was one thing that infuriated Sadie to no end, it was people deliberately doing anything that could harm those she loved.

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