Chapter 8

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That evening, Sadie was sitting between Sirius and James at the dinner table. Remus and Peter sat across from them, and the five friends were conversing casually. Suddenly, Sirius nudged Sadie with his elbow and bent down to mutter in her ear.

"Is it just me, or does Snivellus look far too smug for comfort?"

Sadie blinked and turned her gaze toward the Slytherin table. Sure enough, Snape had a twisted smirk on his face that made her skin crawl. She glanced at Sirius, who was watching her with raised eyebrows.

"You're right." She nodded slowly. "It was the full moon last night. I guess whatever 'project' they were working on must have worked."

Sirius scowled in the direction of the Slytherins. "That's what I'm worried about. I don't care what Remus says, whatever they're up to can't be good news. I think we should keep tabs on them for a while." Remus looked up at the sound of his name, and he and the other two boys tuned into their conversation.

Sadie was quiet for several seconds before she responded. "I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong, would you propose we do that? We can't get into their common room, and I don't fancy just hanging around the entrance all day and night waiting for them to come out." A slow grin spread across Sirius's face, his eyes glinting mischievously. Sadie sighed, but the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. "Alright, what are you plotting?"

"Well, it's this idea I've been turning over in my head for a while...I want to make a map."

"A map," James quirked an eyebrow. "What kind of map?"

"One that would show the whereabouts of everyone in the castle. And we could put all the secret passageways, and it would track all the moving staircases. And we could charm it so that only we can see each other when we are in our animagus forms. You know, just in case it were to fall into the wrong hands."

Remus was staring at him incredulously. "Do you have any idea how complex of a piece of magic that would be?"

Sirius grinned cockily. "So? What's your point?"

"It would take a pretty powerful Homonculus Charm..." James's words were skeptical, but his eyes held a gleam of excitement.

Sadie chewed on her lip, looking uncertain. "I think we could do it... But do you think we should? I mean, what if it were to, as Sirius put it, 'fall into the wrong hands?' That could have some pretty nasty consequences. Imagine if Snape got ahold of it!"

Remus was looking thoughtful now. "Suppose we charmed it to only reveal itself if we said some kind of... password..."

James let out an uncharacteristic giggle. "Can we make it so that it insults Snivellus if he tries to open it?"

Sirius looked delighted at that prospect. They were distracted from their plotting, however, by Professor Kettleburn tapping on Sirius and Sadie's shoulders.

"Miss Potter, Mister Black, if you'll come with me please."

The two friends glanced at each other anxiously before standing and following their professor out of the Great Hall. He led them out of the front doors and around to the side of the castle. They came upon what seemed to be an empty pasture until they were standing right up against the fence. Suddenly, Rhea appeared, trotting around the perimeter of the enclosure, looking healthy as could be.

"What..." Sadie and Sirius gasped at the same time. Rhea's head whipped around at the sound of their voices, and she let out an excited whinny, hurrying toward them. Sadie made to climb over the fence, but Professor Kettleburn quickly pulled them back several feet. The unicorn faded away as they distanced themselves from the enclosure. Sadie looked upset.

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