Something's coming

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Hilltop was supposed to be an easy trade, bullets for supplies... what ended up happening felt more like dealing with the Governor again. Gregory had spoken to Maggie like she was some stupid little girl, been an absolute pig and was very lucky June had been helping Charlie gather her things. If she'd learned about how he treated her best friend BEFORE they'd left, the saviors would've gotten the correct head... and the saviors were at the root of June's change in attitude since arriving back in Alexandria. She had not been on board with the idea of going after them and murdering them in their sleep, it felt dishonest and none of their business really. They weren't the one's in business with these people, it shouldn't have been their job to take them out.

She'd tried hiding her frustration but those that had known her longest saw it behind her eyes. The day her brother came back and told them Denise had been killed, was the day she lost all semblance of control. The morning had started out normal: Tara and Heath were leaving for two weeks, Bobby needed help in the garage, Carl was watching Judith, Sam and Jody had shown Charlie the stack of comics in the library, and June was helping Denise. It was supposed to be just like any other day...

"Hey June, do you think your brother would help me with something."

"Maybe, why? What's up?"

"I wanted to check this little apothecary for medicine but I haven't really been outside Alexandria. Thought he could come with me."

"You can ask me Denise, I'll take ya."

"I know but I also heard you tell Bobby you'd help him in the garage. Something about an insect, no uh... idjit... is that right? Not sure what part of a car that is, but it sounded serious."

June tried not to laugh and failed miserably. Bobby had asked her for help with one of the cars after Rick put Dean on guard duty for the day. He had been in a feisty mood since hearing about the assassination of the saviors and Rick was now idjit number one on his list.

"I ain't makin fun Denise, I promise. Idjit is Bobby's way of saying idiot."

"OH! That makes so much sense, I was wondering why he kept calling Rick and Eugene a car part."

"Eugene got the title after nearly droppin an engine on Bobby's head."

"And Rick?"

"That shit with the saviors... I told Bobby I didn't think we were as past all that as Rick is hopin and he agrees."

It was only the second time she was admitting to feeling like this. Bobby and Dean had found her beating the hell out of a makeshift punching bag the day after they got back and she hadn't even tried lying about it. It was her husband and father-in-law asking, two men that cared so much about her and that she cared so much about. With Denise... she was so easy to talk to and they'd become good friends over time. She'd promised Tara she'd keep her company and her friend had left feeling confident Denise was in good hands.

"So you don't think we've seen the last of those guys?"

"No. It was too easy... the compound was too small. I dunno, I wasn't on board with the idea in the first place so maybe I'm just bein paranoid." She didn't want to put her problems on Denise so she shook off the funk and switched back to her original question. "Anyway... Daryl will go with ya but don't be surprised if he tells ya ta stay behind."

"Do you think I should stay behind?"

"I think you'll be safer but I also know you'll go one way or the other. I'd rather ya be with people that can help out if ya get into a bind."

"You've really got me figured out."

"I pay attention to the people I care about Denise... just do me a favor?"

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