Fall into me

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Another week passed with different plans being made throughout Alexandria. Expanding the wall and planting crops were the more mundane things being discussed, followed by the creation of a new security force to keep the town safe, a huge herd of the dead that was a pretty major liability, as well as teaching the residents how to shoot and otherwise defend themselves. All of that and folks were still interested in a small wedding for two people who already considered themselves married. June had played her part, smiled and pretended to care about the unsolicited advice she was getting. How Dean had escaped so many of the well-wishers was beyond her but she was taking it all in stride... until one particular person got involved.

"June" she had just got done having lunch with Dean and was going home to shower and watch Judith, when Gabriel caught up to her. Of all the people in town, he was still the one she would gladly use as walker bait if given the chance. "Good afternoon. You look well."

"What'd-ya want Gabriel?"

"I heard the good news, about you and Dean, wanted to extend my congratulations and my services." That had her stopping and wondering if he still had a death wish. "I mean, I am a priest and would happily-"

"Save it."

"Excuse me?"

"Save. It." He hadn't yet seen the blue flames that could dance in her eyes when she was filled with righteous anger, but that was about to change. "What makes you think I would allow you ta have any part in this?"

"Well I thought since we've been through so much..."

"We ain't been through shit. Wasn't my decision ta let ya tag along, if it had been you'd still be at your church with nothin but your guilt."

"June... I know what I did."

"Do ya know what ya said?"

"I... I'm not following."

She wasn't sure if he realized that his nervousness gave him away every time or not. He wasn't a subtle man and while he claimed to have deep convictions, they weren't enough to help him hide what he was thinking. June made him nervous... good.

"Deanna told us what ya said about us at the meetin... then Sasha told me what you said ta her. Ya know, when ya tried pushin her so she'd kill you since ya couldn't do it your damn self."

"W-We worked that out. Maggie."

"I love Maggie. With every fiber of my being, that girl is like my sister. I'd do anything for her and usually we're pretty good at seein things eye ta eye... this ain't one of those times. You tried ta hurt my family Gabriel, ya did hurt my family."

"I... when?"

"What ya said ta Sasha... SHE CAME TA YOU FOR HELP!" they were in the middle of the street with people around so she did her best to reign it in, a deep breath steadying her nerves but those flames were now threatening to shoot out of her eyes and set him ablaze. "Ya have any idea how hard that was for her? She was at her lowest and you took that and used it against her. You're a liar and a coward and if you so much as breathe in her direction again, I'll gladly grant your death wish." She took a step forward until they were toe to toe, she was 5 inches shorter than him, but right now she may as well be towering over him. "Stay the hell away from my family."

Most of them had thought what she'd just told him but she wasn't swayed by his profession, didn't give a good goddamn that he was a preacher. Only reason he was still breathing was because Maggie had asked her not to hurt him, but she hadn't said shit about her confronting him. June had actually intended to follow Rick's lead and not speak to him at all, but he'd approached her and she didn't feel it necessary to spare his feelings. He was leaving the conversation with his life, that was enough.

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