"Oh, no need to be so hostile, I'm just here to collect a little bit of dept Grey. But if you can't pay with money I'm sure you have something else..."

I hear a few bangs and shouting but I don't process what's said. After all the noice the multiple footsteps stop.

"Let us go, Get your hands off my wife!!" my dad shouts.

"I heard your daughter was quite the beauty grey, where is she? If you give her to me I'll let you both live," the same deep voice says.

"Shes 14 you sick fuck, you're not getting her," my mother sneers.

"Oooh come on now Annette. If you and her come with me I'll let you all live," I hear the same deep voice say.

I'm scared.

He knows me?

Who is he?

Is my mum and dad okay?

I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I'm scared.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I hear my dad scream.

"Last chance. Where. is. your. daughter?"

"You'll never get her!" My parents shout.

"It's really such a shame I have to kill you, such a pretty face," the man says.

I'm scared.

That's when I hear another car screech up to our house and one set of footsteps run through the door.

"Wait! Don't do this, please don't kill them. We will sort it out, don't kill them! I'll stay I promise," a female voice shouts.

I creak the door open a crack and I can just see whats happening in the living room.

There's a bunch of men surrounding my parents and they have them held down on their knees, I memerise a few of their faces.

My parents taught me to, I dont know why.

There's one man with a mask on. He's starting at the woman who just ran through the door.

"Get her to the car! NOW!" The man shouts. 3 men run up to the woman and grab her.

I know her.

It's my mums friend.


I think mum and dad were going to help her and her son but I didn't hear much of that conversation, my mum told me to go to my room.

I've only met her a few times. How does she know this man?

The men drag her to the door, "PLEASE! Don't do this, you don't need to do this. They didn't do anything!" She shouts.

"SHUT UP! I'll deal with you at home," the man says as the woman is pulled out.

He walks over to my mother and harshly grabs her face.

"DON'T! GET YOUR-" my dad's screams are cut off by a gun shot. My mums body falls to the floor her blood staining the carpet.

My mum's dead.

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