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One year and one month later

"We came again," Rain spoke softly to the grave stone, "Keiu is almost six month now. I wish you could have met him." The babling baby slapped his hands on the concrete with a giggle. "You would have loved him."

Keiu Matsuno was born looking just like his father. He ended up being born in July the following year after everything happened. The gang called him CJ for Chifuyu Jr as the baby did look like a spitting image of Chifuyu himself.

"After F-" She started, "I guess I can't call him that any more. But after he shot the gun the cops had arrived and arrested him. One of the neighbors called the cops. He got life in prison with no chance to get out."

She smiled down at the baby as he played with little toys on the blanket she had laid down. "The cops are still chasing down Hanma as he helped plan the murder and took place in it happening." Keiu blew a bubble with his spit and it popped with the wind, "I really wish you had gotta to meet him. He may look like his father but I'd have to say he acts like me."

The wind blew softly and made Rain's blonde hair fly with it. "I also let my hair go back to blonde. After everything he did I couldn't do the black hair anymore. I didn't want to be tied to that man anymore."

Keiu let out a cry and Rain offered him his bottle of juice as she adjusted the umbrella to cover him more as he moved out from under the shade.

"Also it turned out my three friends I made during the fight was part of Toman. At first I was angry when I found out but then after I calmed down and thought about the situation I was happy. They care so much to send people for me to have while they protected me at the same time and Emma turned out be be dating Draken. They look so happy together," Rain softly rubbed Keiu's back as he drank, "The guys always talk about wanting to take Keiu on bike rides, mostly Baji. He's always trying to steal him and take him on a bike ride."

Tears formed in her eyes the more she thought of what has happened. "I do have plenty of help with him though so don't think I'm in it alone. Emma and Hinata offer to babysit at lease once or twice a week so I could have a day off."

Keiu finished drinking what he wanted and sat the bottle down before crying some. A hand was placed on her should and she looked up blue eyes catching her own and a smile on her lips.

"It's getting hot," Chifuyu spoke softly, "I think he needs a nap also."

Rain smiled and with the help stood easily. Walking back over to the gravestone she rubbed her fingers over the smooth texture once more, "I also moved in with him so we could raise Keiu together. He is a great father so dont worry. I love you mom." The three left the graveyard and walked over to a black truck and Rain quickly strapped the child in.

After getting shot Chifuyu was rushed to the hospital and by the time they had reached the operating room he had lost to much blood and required many blood transfusions. For the longest time the doctors couldn't tell if he was going to live or die but if the end he ended up living. He did have to have a new lung put in his body as the bullet went completely through it. It also had broken some ribs. Chifuyu was if rough state after that but in the end he ended up living.

When everyone was ready to head out Chifuyu started it up and headed home. Him and Baji had lived with eachother sense getting out of high-school and they had a good home. It was a three bedroom home with two bath.

When the reached the home instantly Baji came running out looking for Keiu but Chifuyu made him stop in his tracks as Rain pulled out the sleeping baby. Baji pouted but knew that when the baby didn't sleep he was a grouch. Rain walked inside and gently laid Keiu in his crib and walked out of the room, leaving the door cracked behind her.

Her arm was grabbed and Chifuyu pulled her into their room and dropped her onto the bed. She giggled as Chifuyu climbed over top her. Chifuyu hovered over her for a few seconds before leaning down, "I love you Rain." Rain smile up at him and she just pulled him down and connected their lips.

After all the hardships and after all the pain Rain finally got the one thing she wanted, a family.

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