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When they all got back to the apartment everything changed. She went to unlock the door but it was already unlocked making her bust inside. She knew she locked up before she left and the whole gang was at her graduation so she knew it wasn't them. Only one other person had a key and that being her father.

Sitting in the chair sat her father with the maid dress in one of his hands and in the other was a beer bottle. "So you was being a slut." He stood and threw the dress on the floor infront of her. "Is that how you paid for food and shit?" He screams.

She lowers her head to look at the floor. "I paid for it myself." She whispers.

"Bullshit!" He screams coming at her. He grabs her by the throat and picks her off the ground. "Your a damn whore like your bitch of a mother was!" He throws her against the wall knocking the air from her lungs.

"Keep your hands off her!" Mikey screamed kicking him in the temple of his head.

Rain laid on the floor trying to grab some kinda of air back into her lungs. Chifuyu runs over to her making sure she was okay while the others go after the father. After mear seconds she had a little bit of air, "No!" She reached her arm out to her father. She still believes he could change. She still believes he could go back to how he was before. She believes she could fix the relationship that's in pieces.

In seconds Baji punched her father in the gut knocking the wind from him as well. "Mother fucker I'll kill you!" Baji screams throwing a punch at him.

Rain jumped up and gotten between Baji and her father blocking Baji from his punch. It landed on her temple instantly making her go dizzy. Along with everyone else it seemed Chifuyu's string broke as well. He instantly went after the man jumping and kicking him in the head.

"Please stop!" Rain tried to scream but it came out more as a whisper as Draken took her out of the apartment.

"Rain I can't let you say he is no one any more who is that?" Draken asked holding her shoulders.

"He's my father!" She tried to get out of his grip and get back into the house. It was then it clicked why she was so quick the throw herself between him and them. She did it to defend them from her father. She didn't want her father to hurt her friends. "We can be a family again! I know we can!" She kept trying to get out of his grip.

Draken let go looked up and over to Smiley and Angry who stood outside of her house. "Get her to Mitsuya we'll be there as soon as this is over." Anger in every word leaving his mouth. "Do not let her come back over here!" The two nodded and left with Rain crying to stay.

Draken walked inside and locked the door behind him leaving her father, Mikey, Chifuyu, Baji, and himself inside. "How do you abuse your daughter like that!" Draken screamed punching him in the jaw. It clicked fast with the others that who the man was.

"The little bitch deserves everything that she gets." He said spitting out some blood and a tooth as he held his jaw.

"She deserves nothing from you!" Baji screams kicking him in the ribs as he laid on the ground. He groaned in pain.

"She is a kind girl who deserves the wold at her feet!" Chifuyu kicked him on the other side of his ribs then what Baji did.

"She deserves nothing!" He spat at them.

"We will be back here tomorrow and you better not be here." Mikey hissed at him, "You will sign everything over to her as she was the one making this place still liveable. She was the one who made this place a home. Get your god damn shit and get out."

"Gonna make her your personal whore?" He smirked sitting up, "I might let you use her if the pay is right."

Mikey grabbed his head and kneed him in the head knocking him back on his back. There was a gash across his head from it. "I never want to hear you talk about her again. I never want to hear her name come out of your mouth. You have no right to even have her in your presence." Mikey finished it off by kicking him in the chin.

He laid there in a pool of his own blood. "Let's get out of here." Draken says pulling everyone out.

"Remember you better not be here tomorrow or we cant promise you'll live another day after." He looked at him like he was holding himself back from killing the man there. In a way all four of them had to force themselves to not kill him.

"Where is she?" Mikey asked looking up at Draken.

"I have Smiley and Angry to take her to Mitsuya's place." He answered as the all got onto the bikes. All four engines started and they was off.

Pulling up they seen the gang was there. Everyone wanted to be there with her. Walking in most of the members sat around the huge living room. They all pointed upstairs to where Rain rested. The four went up and saw a few more member standing outside of Mitsuya's guest room.

Inside Rain sat on the bed with Mitsuya, Smiley, and Angry on the bed with her. She had a huge handprint across her neck where the bastard had grabbed her. Once she saw them she tried to get out of the bed but moaned in pain.

"What's the damage?" Draken asked Mitsuya.

"We'll clearly her neck," Chifuyu and Baji push Smiley and Angry off the bed and get on themselves, "Her back is also badly bruised. She'll be sore for a few days but it doesn't seem anything broke luckily." Mikey and Draken sit on the bed beside her.

"You okay?" Mikey asked.

"Your alive." She hugged Mikey's waist. She may have been hugging Mikey at the moment but thoes two words was directed at all four of them and they knew that. They knew they had to protect her and if that means making her leave her home then that's what it meant.

"You hungry?" Mitsuya asked her. She nodded her head yes at his answer. "Okay I'll make some dinner."

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