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The next day came faster then anyone wanted. No one wanted to go back to the apartment where everything had went down. Rain stood in front of the door with the key in hand. Her hand shook as she tried to put in the key to unlock the door.

"I gotcha." Draken comes beside her and inserts his key into the door.

Walking inside the blood was still there, assuming it's from her father. She laid her hand on her neck remembering that her necklace was gone. She had to find it first. She had woken up this morning realizing that it was gone. She assumed it had broken or something when her father had grabbed her by her throat the past night. Walking over to the wall where she had hit she searched for it on the floor. Sadly it wasn't there.

"I have to find it." She says fitting her fist against the floor.

"We will." Chifuyu walks up to her and places his hand over her fist.

She had told them about how important it was to her. The only one who knew what was inside was Mikey. He knew the importance of the picture that sat inside. After looking for the pendant they had no luck.

Walking into her room it was a mess. Her clothes thrown out of the closet her bed sheets ripped off the mattress and her lamps were smashed on the floor. Her book shelf laid out of the floor. Slowly sliding down the wall she dropped to the floor. Pulling her knees up to her chest she couldn't help but let the tears fall.

With everything that had happened yesterday part of her wished it was just a dream but seeing the condition of the house it clearly wasn't. Not only was her room destroyed but also every other room in the house, even her father's room was destroyed.

She lost the last if her original family and as much as she should be angry at her father the couldn't help but just be sad he was gone. She knew that she should be angry that he raised his hands to her friends. She should be angry that he destroyed their house like this. She knows she has every right to hate him but no matter what she just was sad he was gone.

"Rain?" She turned her head to see Chifuyu there. Her eyes swollen red from the tears. He quickly pulled her into a hug that just made her wail with sobs. Soon the other three made their way into the room.

"He's gone." She sniffles.

"He needed to be gone." Baji huffed earning a smack on the leg from Draken, "What? You all know I'm right!"

"Rain he was hurting you." Mikey says wiping her face of tears.

"He was my dad," She sniffles leaning into Mikey's hand, "I knew he was just hurting and had to get it out some how."

"He's abusive, elusive. The truth is, he lies. I know you don't want to let go." Baji says putting his bad ass to the side to try and comfort.

"And just like before, I can see that you're sure you can change him but I know you won't." Chifuyu added after him.

"The devil doesn't bargain. He'll only break your heart again. It isn't worth it, darling. He's never gonna change. He'll never be Prince Charming. He'll only do you harm again. I don't mean to meddle but the devil doesn't settle. No, the devil doesn't bargain." Draken says quietly.

"I'm not one to lecture or talk down to a friend and I don't mean to pressure. Mean to condescend but we just want what's best for you in the end." Mikey was the last to speak.

She looked around at all of them. She knew the four spoke the truth. Deep down she knew he would change and she somehow had to accept that fact. She knew they just was there to protect her.

A knock came from the door making Rain freeze up on the floor. "I'll get it." Draken walks out of the room. After the few seconds of silence as he walked to the door they could hear the door open. "What?" Draken could be heard asking in a hated tone.

Mikey stood and walked into the living room as well leaving Baji and Chifuyu with Rain. "I'm here to give this." She could pin point the voice as her father's.

The sound of papers being snatched could be heard before the door was slammed. Chifuyu held her tightly because he knew if he didn't she would rush after him. All of the guys hated she wanted so bad to go back to him and they hated having to force her away from him. They also knew if they didn't he would possibly kill her.

Walking back into the room Mikey and Draken were looking over a stack of papers. "What is it?" She asked in a scratchy voice due to the crying she had been doing almost all night.

After they seemed to approve they handed them to Rain. She looked at them and shock covered her. All the papers stated that the apartment was hers. Everything was in her name and her father's name was gone. Along with the papers was his house key.

She wanted to sigh in relief, cry from sadness, and jump for joy all in one but her body rendered her still and quiet as she read everything.

"Rain?" Mikey crouched down in front of her, "Talk to us."

"Does this mean he is gone gone?" Her voice came out as a whisper.

"If we can help it yes." Baji was stern on his words.

She just nodded not knowing what else to say. Come on let's get this place back to normal. " Chifuyu looked at the other three guys earning nods from all three.

They started in her room. She would need somewhere she would be able to sleep. They started with picking up the bookshelf and stacking the books along the wall for Rain to fix it how she would like. They never really looked at her books before but they noticed it was mostly manga. They noticed she had the entire series of the manga the belonged to My Hero Academia.

"So your an anime lover?" Draken cocked an eyebrow at her with a questioning look. 

"I am." She smiled at him.

"Well we know what to watch tonight to cheer you up." Mikey's soft smile showing.  

Once the room was picked up and the bed made the five of them pilled up into her bed. She grabbed to remote for her TV and turned on the anime she had loved sense it started in just a manga. 

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