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The days passed and soon halloween was coming soon. It was now October 19th It had been two weeks sense her birthday and the guys come over at least once or twice a week to visit and stay the night, Chifuyu coming over during the night started to become something she looked forward to every day. On the nights she had work he would come visit up at the cafe. She loved their meets ups they would do. Sometimes it was at the apartment, some a walk through the park, some at the cafe when she worked, Every night they just tried to spend as much time together as they could.

Today the guys was at the apartment with her. They all decided to get together today but unfortunately she would have to go into town. She needed to grab some things that she needed for the home. The guys have a meeting later on tonight meaning that Chifuyu wouldn't be able to come till late into the night or he may not come at all depending on how long the meeting goes. She stood from the small couch and announced to the guys to just lock up before they leave and grabbed her things and headed out into town.

When she reached the bottom of the steps at the complex she heard someone call for her, turning around Chifuyu take the step above her. "Be careful okay?" He asked placing his hand on her chin, his thumb brushing over her bottom lip.

"I will," She smiled placing her hand on his slightly stretched arm, "I promise." The two leaned in and shared a light kiss before she waved goodbye and they parted ways. Her heading to the store and him back up to the home.

Once reaching the store she grabbed a small shopping cart and started pushing it around the store. Grabbing groceries she needed she tossed them in the cart and made her way around to the pharmacy section. She needed more pads for her next cycle as she was almost out. Once she reached the isle she looked around and grabbed a box of them and tossed them in the cart.

One item close by caught her attention. She looked at it for a moment before shaking her head and walking off. Not possible she had told herself as she walked away. Going back to hygiene products like toothpaste and such she had grabbed what she needed but the itch in her brain never stopped about the one item. Turning back around she decided to go and look at it just a little more before she decided to grab it or not.

The walk back home was more of a harder one without something to carry the bags or someone to help her with them. She had gotten so use to the help of the others she had noticed her arms had gotten weak at the heaviness of the bags. Half way home she had to take a break and rest for a minute where as in the past she never rested untill she made it home. Eventually though she did make it. Taking one more rest before she had to climb the stairs. When she finally reached her floor she told herself she wouldn't rest untill she made it inside.

When she first gotten to her apartment she noticed that all the bikes was gone telling her that the guys had headed out to their meeting. She sat the bags down on the ground and and dug into her bag and soon pulled out her key. Unlocking the door She dropped to the ground out of fear. Her house is destroyed. The couch flipped along with the chair. TV smashed, counter laid across the floor in pieces, all her lights where broken and scattered across the hard wood floor. 

"Mom!" She screamed running into her room and dropping into the closet. across the floor laid her mothers items she has left of her mother. Her clothes where torn and scatted across the wooden floor and her jewelry broken into pieces where it couldn't be fixed. "Mom." She whispered holding the torn cloth in her hand alone with a now broken frame with a small picture of her mother. Tears formed in her eyes as the things she heald dear to her was now ruined. A memory came up to he brain as she sat there.

"This is all i have left of my mother." Rain smiled as she pulled a small wooden box down from the top of her closet. Turning around she sat it on her bed and Mikey stood at her side.

"Why don't you have more then this small box?" He asked looking at the shoe box sized box.

"I'm not sure why but after mom died my after got rid of most of her things. I was able to hide this from him though. If he knew about it he would for sure get rid of this stuff also." She goes to explain. Inside the box wasn't much only a few shirts and some necklaces and a bracelet. She grabbed a shirt and carefully unfolding it reveling a picture. A blonde woman with bright green eyes that match Rain's own laid on the picture. Her face matched with Rain's only difference was that Rain's looked younger.

"Your mother?" Mikey asked taking the picture frame from her hand.

"Yes." She answered with a smile.

"She has beautiful hair." Mikey pointed out.

"Mine is blonde also." Rain told him as she played with her black hair.

"Then why isn't it?" Mikey asked setting the picture down and looking at her.

"After mom died Father always said that he hated i looked like mom. I couldn't do anything about the eyes or the shape of my face or the color of my eyes. So i settled with my hair. I've been coloring my hair ever sense she died to try and make him happy but it never seemed to work." Her voice lowered.

"I think you would look great with blonde." Mikey gave her a smile as he lightly held a part of her black hair.

"Mikey." She growled clutching the fabric in her hand.

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