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In the market Mikey walked behind her like a dog, a scary dog at that. He made sure no one would mess with her and they could do what they needed then leave. "So graduation is Thursday." She pulls him out of his head.

"Oh really?" Mikey takes a few extra steps to walk beside her while she pushes a cart.

"Yep and after that I'll be a free woman." She grabs some pasta from the shelf.

"And what will you do after that?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," She says with a hint of confusion in her voice, "Before I met all of you I just planned to live where I am and do the same thing I did before. Taking care of me and my father and basically live day to day."

"And now that you met us?" He had to ask.

"Now I want to see the world. That I don't always have to do the same thing everyday," She let go of the cart and got into a fighting stance, "Maybe I'll get into a fight!"

He chuckled at her," I don't think your quite ready for that just yet." He grabbed the cart and started to push it along the isle.

"Oh come on have some faith." She whines following him.

"Faith yes but statistics say your not ready," He paused for a minute to turn and face her, "Yet."

"Yet?" She asked basically with the energy of a golden retriever, "Does that mean I'll learn to fight?"

He just shrugged his shoulders at her. She squilled and shunched her face up in a happy way. Maybe she could learn. She looked at Mikey as he walked ahead of her. She had noticed his hair was a messy and falling out of the hair tie. "Can I fix your hair?" She asked jogging up to walk beside him.

"No." He quickly shot her down.

"But why?" She dragged out the 'y' like a child would.

"I don't like others messing with my hair." He simply stated.

"Oh come on its just a quick fix." She reaches up to grab a small strand of his hair.

He quickly turned to grab her wrist holding her in place, "I said no." His eyes held annoyance in them.

Her face fell from happy to sad. She had never seen this side of Mikey and it scared her. She whispered a light okay before putting her arms at her side. She quietly walked to the front of the cart and pulled it behind her getting what else she needed.

"Rain I'm sorry." He tried to apologize but she just stayed quiet.

She didn't know what to say to him so she decided to just stay quiet. Mikey took her silence as a answer and just followed around behind her as she had got what was needed. Once she was done they quietly walked to check out before leaving.

The walk home was silent. Rain a couple set ahead of Mikey while he followed behind. Once they got back to the apartment they walked inside to everyone laughing and having fun. Once everyone realized the tension between the two the laughing stopped.

Rain quietly walked to the kitchen and started to put away everything and Mikey set the bags he had on the counter. "What's going on?" Draken asked.

The two just stayed quiet. Once everything was up she walked into her room and inside was Baji and Chifuyu sleeping. She crawled between the and gotten her self comfortable. Both men instantly tossed their arm over her. She faced Chifuyu with her back to Baji. She lifed her hand just enough to twirl a strand of Chifuyu's bleached hair between her fingers.

Baji pulled himself closer to her where his body was flushed against hers and it seemed at Chifuyu relaxed some with the small action. She felt a comfort come over her making the stress wash away. There was just something about these two that made her relax more then the other's could. Yes she was comfortable around them all but these two, with the way they bickered, the way that were as close as they are, and the way they knew how to not be angry for no reason just gave her a feel of home. A real home.

She heard someone walk to the room door. The person lightly called her name but she had pretend to be asleep. By the voice she could tell it was Draken. He sounded more worried then anything. She hated having to be this way toward Draken knowing he hasn't said or done anything wrong but she just couldn't bring her to talk yet. She isn't quite ready to talk yet.

She laid there for a few hours in silence waiting. She didn't know what for but she waited. "Doc?" She heard be mumbled behind her.

"Hi Baji." She smiled turning her head where she could see him out of the corner of her eyes.

"Your a good pillow." He mumbled pushing his head into her back. She giggled softly as he made himself comfortable again.

Reaching behind her she lightly scratched on his back over his black shirt. She knew she would have to get up soon to check on Baji's stitches but she could could take a she more minutes.

She just wanted a moment to calm herself and think clearly. She may have took long then what most would but she had to make sure she made an adult decision about the situation. She couldn't mess up the family she has built. She had to keep her family.

After a few more minutes she untangled herself from the guys and crawled out of bed. Walking to the side Baji was on she held clean bandages and ointment in her hands. Pulling him onto his back she lifted his shirt and carefully took the old bandages off.

"You could have just woke me up if you wanted me naked." She looked up to see Baji looking towards her.

"I'm just changing your bandages you knuckle head," She smiled, "are your friendly like this to all the girls?"

"Nope just you hunny." He lifts himself up on his elbows.

"You flurt." She chuckled and placed the new bandages on him. "Time for your head."

She walks up closer to his head and does the same process there. "So am I allowed to get up Doc?" He says as she finished.

"Come one let's see if you can stand without help first before I make my answer." She offered her hand out to him.

He mumbled to himself before sitting on the bed ready to stand. Pushing himself up off the bed he straightened up on his feet. He had it for a second before he started to try walking. He stumbled a little and Rain was ready to catch him. "Carefull they are still new." She says placing her hands on his chest in an attempt to steady him.

"I got this I'll be okay." He says starting to walk out of the room.

She followed him out of the room and into the living room. Walking in she seen Draken sitting in the chair and Smiley and Angry was laid out of the couch, and Chifuyu one the floor. Mikey no where to be seen.

"Where is mikey?" Rain ask quietly holding her arm with her other hand.

"He is outside." Draken stood from the chair.

"Stay out of my chair." Baji groaned throwing himself down in the chair.

"Oh shut up stitches." Draken walked up to Rain, "I think you and Mikey need to talk."

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