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Before anyone knew it Halloween made its way once again. Rain had cleaned up the apartment some by this point. The floor no longer heald glass shards and the TV had been thrown out due to it being unusable. She could only assume Chifuyu was the one leaving bags of food and other items outside her home as she usually woke up to a bag or two outside containing all sorts of items. Some food some essentials and some money if every bag.

With the help of Emma, Hinata, and Takemichi she was about to turn the apartment bavk to normal. Neither three pressing for information on what had happened which made her happy. She didn't know if she could get herself to talking about it. "So Emma I've been wondering," Rain spoke from the kitchen as she made dinner, "Do you have a boyfriend? I know that Hinata has Takemichi." The couple sat on the couch leaned against eachother as Emma sat in the chair.

She coughed on some water she was drinking at the question. "Um yea I do." She said after getting her breath back.

"What if he like?" Rain asked.

"We'll he is tall and protective. And a little bit of an ass." She had her thumb and first finger almost touching.

"What about you Rain?" Hinata asked.

"Imma step outside." Takemichi said as his phone started to ring. He gave Hinata a small kiss before stepping out the door.

Rain stood there thinking about how to answer. She knew her and Chifuyu had something going on untill this happened, driving them apart. Instead of answering she just shrugged and went back to finishing up lunch.

"Come on there has to be more then just a shoulder shrug." Emma complained turning in the chair to give a playful glare.

"I mean there not really anything to talk about," Rain said as she plated the food she made, "There was a guy but something happened and now there isn't a guy. Simple as that."

The girls decided not to push for it anymore and left it at that, Rain grateful of that. She didn't know if she could have the energy to keep talking on that subject as everytime she thought of Chifuyu her heart had a shot of pain in it. She missed him along with the others but she missed Chifuyu in a different way.

"So it's Halloween tonight what is the plan?" Hinata started.

Takemichi came in after the words left her lips. Something had seemed off with him compared to before he walked out. He seemed angry. "Gotta go." He simply said.

Both girls stood and looked at Rain. "We'll be back I promise."

"Wait is everything okay?" Rain asked them worried.

"Just some family drama." Takemichi answered her.

"At least take some food for the road." Rain quickly place the food in plastic containers and handed one to each of them. After their good byes the three left as Rain now stood in a empty home.

"We'll be okay." She whispered placing her hand over her stomach. She often talked to the life growing in her as a comfort for her. She always hated being alone and after she met the gang she was never alone but now it seemed like all she did was be alone. Yes her, Emma, and Hinata had grown a good friendship but it didn't seem like it did with the gang. Part of her thought they seemed to be hiding something from her and she didn't know what it could be. Because of that feeling she never told them she was pregnant.

She hasn't told anyone she was. The night when she doctored Chifuyu and he went to leave she had to keep her back to him. Worried that if she turned she was going to run to him, beg him to come back, and tell him about the baby. She had to think logically about the situation and not with her emotions. If she thought with her emotions she would have the whole gang back. Maybe after everything settles she can introduce Emma, Hinata, and Takemichi to the gang. They seemed like they would fit perfect with everyone.

The raw from her stomach reminds her that she had to eat for the two and so she came back to earth and out of her thoughts. Walking over to the bar she grabbed her plate and took a seat on the sofa. Tossing her phone on the small coffee table she started to eat her sushi.

The hunger in her stomach settled after it finally got food and when she finished she sat the plate down and retrieved her phone. Unlocking it she decided she would watch some movies. She still didn't have a TV to watch on so her phone would have to do. She settled on a old cartoon as she had felt herself getting tired. The noise from the movies slowly drifted her off into a sleep.

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