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The door shut behind her and Mikey never once looked up. He sat beside the door looking down at the concrete. She crouched down to be level with him. Then she reached out and placed her hand over his.

"Mikey can we talk?" She asked quietly. He didn't say a word or move away and she took that as a yes. "I'm sorry I over reacted." As the words came out of her mouth rain fell down from the sky like a shower, a loud crack of thunder followed. She jumped at the loud sound and cowered to the wall.

She felt a arm come between her and the wall and then she was pulled against a body. She knew it was Mikey as they were the only two outside. He held her close as the next round of thunder hit making her cower more into him desperately seeking comfort.

"It's okay." He says softly pulling her over him to sit on his legs.

She shook in his arms, "I'm so scared." She says into his shoulder.

"It's a storm it will pass." Hi rest his hand on the back of her head.

"Not of the storm." She held his shirt tightly, "I am scared to lose my family."

"You won't." He says calmly. "I'm sorry I got mad. I'm sorry I took it out on you. Everything with Valhalla has me on edge and I held it in. I held it in untill I couldn't any more and in return it came out at you."

"Please don't leave me," She couldn't helps but say even though he just said they wouldn't, "I don't want to be alone again. I can't be alone again."

"We won't leave you." He stay calm for her.

They stayed like that untill she stopped shaking. "Let's go inside." He tries to say but quickly noticed she was asleep. Reaching beside him he knocked on the door and out came Chifuyu.

"She asleep?" He asked looking at them. Mikey nodded up at him. Chifuyu went to move her but she had a death grip on Mikey's shirt. "Looks like she is stuck to you."

"Just help me up and I'll go lay her down." Mikey says.

Chifuyu helped Mikey stand without pulling Rain away from him. Once he was stood Mikey held her up by her legs making sure she stayed close to him. Carefully walking inside he walked to her room to place her on the bed. Going to take her hands off his shirt she mumbled in her sleep, "Stay with me."

He couldn't bring himself to pull away from her after that. It was that moment he saw just how much she relies on them. How much she needed them in her life. How lost she was after her mother died. How forgotten she was by her father. How broken she was. It was at that moment she truly became one of toman.

He lays down on the soft gray sheets beside her and pulls her as close to him as possible. "Welcome to the family." He whispered on her forehead.

The next morning Rain stirred awake to see Mikey's face inches from her own. His face rested as he slept. He seemed peaceful. She carefully got up and realized they wasn't the only ones in the room. All along the floor laid everyone except Baji. Her heart swell at the sight. She knew she wouldn't be alone again. Not now, not ever.

She carefully made her way past everyone and walked out of the room. She looked in her father's room and found it empty. "Where's Baji?" She whispered to herself.

Walking into the living room she seen the chair reclined back with Baji asleep on it. She grabbed the small blanket off the couch and laid it over top him as he didn't have a blanket and the made her way into the bathroom.

When she finished she walked out and seen everyone still asleep. She quietly started cooking enough breakfast for everyone one to eat. She made some scrambled eggs, cinnamon rolls, and bacon a easy meal that could feed a lot. After she finished one by one started to wake up and get moving around. Almost like they had a timer one would wake up, make a trip into the bathroom, and then come into the living room before another followed close behind.

She grabbed enough plates for everyone to have some breakfast and made the servings. He waitress coming out as she passed out the plates once everyone was awake. Going back to get drinks for them all. Everyone quickly dug into the food due to everything that had happened the day before she didn't make any supper.

"So did you two make up yet?" Baji pointed a fork between Rain and Mikey.

"Yep." Rain smiled before giving Mikey a chance to answer. They had to be okay for her sake. Even if the two wasn't she wanted to believe they was.

"Yea we are good." Mikey followed up before taking a bite of his eggs.

"Good the quiet was awkward." Baji pointed out before continuing his food.

Once everyone get their food Rain made her a plate. She took a seat on the sofa beside Draken and started eating herself. "So graduation is Thursday." She said trying to bring up the subject.

"We'll try to be there." Mikey says after he swallowed his food in his mouth.

"Why wouldn't you be able to?" She asked.

"Valhalla." Baji answered.

"An attack out of no were," Draken continued, "They are planning something big."

She was clearly sad at the news. Of course she knew the stuff happening with Valhalla and she knew after what happened with Baji just made things worse but part of her had hoped that they could make it but it didn't look like that was going to happen. "It's okay." She said before taking another bite of her food. It seemed as if it was going to be another big thing in her life she was going to do alone.

"I promise we will try." Chifuyu places his hand on her leg.

She had to show it wasn't hurting her. She had to make sure they did what they needed to and if that means missing her graduate then that's what happens.

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