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I wont be around a computer tomorrow so here is an early chapter for ya'll!! Don't forget to like and comment!


The rest of the week passed completely uneventful. She would get up and go to school, get off and go to work which most nights the guy would come see her at work. Then she would go home to a house full of sleeping guys. They have gotta more comfortable to bring more members over. Her favorite two new ones she got to meet everyone called them by Smiley and Angry. They was twins. Other then their facial expressions the only other was to tell them apart was their hair color. Smiley had pink hair with Angry had blue.

She had slowly gotten to know the other gang members more so now it's just not Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu and Baji any more she will come home to find across her house. She had doctored some of them over the week as they had gotten into small fights but luckily there hasn't been another bigger fight like the one she had gotten brought into.

She no long went anywhere alone. Mostly Chifuyu or Baji would take her to school on the mornings and Draken or Mikey would get her at night when she got off at the restaurant. Smiley and Angry had taken it on themselves to bring her from school to work. All of this because of rumored floating around about a gang called Valhalla going around talking about Tokyo Manji's new girl.

It was now Friday and she had gotten off work. Outside sat Draken in his bike waiting on her to come out. "Busy day?" He asked as he noticed she came out later then usual.

"That and I had to get my check from my boss so I had to wait on her." Rain says walking up to him. "So that means grocery shopping tomorrow."

"Good your fridge is getting empty." Draken jokes at her.

She playfully hit him on the arm and gasped at him. "Maybe if you all didn't eat my food like you haven't ate your whole life we'd have food." She laughed at her words.

Draken handed her the helmet that's they had gotten for her. She got to decorate it and she did. She put some stickers around it of random things she loved and on the inside Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu and Baji had wrote their names. She may have force them but it's what she wanted.

Her father still hasn't been home and with only a week until graduation everyone seemed so busy. Mikey and everyone had told her they could try to be there but sadly couldn't promise anything. His reason always being that they had business that needs taken care of. She had a feeling she knew what of. Valhalla had been more active now compared to what they usually are and it has the whole crew on edge. More word had spread of her but everyone in Toman are doing what they can to make her safe.

She climbed onto Draken's bike and put on her helmet. Holding onto him tightly he started the bike and headed to the apartment. Surprisingly to how it's been when they got there only two other bikes was there. Usually her home would be filled with members when she got home.

In the apartment sat Mikey and Chifuyu watching a romcom on TV. She chuckled walking in when she noticed the show. "Never took you two for romcoms." In response to her statement she got a pillow to the face by Mikey.

She just laughed and walked to her room to set her stuff down. She grabbed extra clothes for a shower and made her was into the bathroom. After the shower she walked out to see Draken joined them in watching the romcom. She walked up behind him and poked his head, "Not you too."

He just knocked her on the head like he has done sense the gave yard and went back to watching the show. She walked into the kitchen and looked for something to cook for supper for then night. She didn't have much as it was time to grocery shop for the week but she did have the stuff to make ramen. She declared that be dinner. She started cooking it and also made some taiyaki* for dessert.

Once everything was done she made everyone a plate and called them to come eat. The three bounced up like kids and waiting in line for the food. Mikey tried to be smooth and sneak a taiyaki but Rain slapped him on the hand, "That's dessert."

He did his pout he would do when he didn't get his way and walked back into the living room. She picked up her own bowl and followed them. She sat on the floor infront of the couch with Mikey to her left and Chifuyu to her right, both boy sitting on the couch. Draken sat in the chair that usually Baji would be in but because he isn't here Draken decided it was his spot.

The four watch the show while they ate. Not long after they ate a knock came from the door along with some shouting about opening the door. Draken stood and walked to it while Chifuyu straighten up and out stretched one of his legs, ready to jump up if needed.

Draken opened the door to see two of the members holding Baji as he dripped blood. Quickly Rain stood up and placed her bowl on the small table and ran to get medical supplies. "Where do you want him?" Chifuyu asked.

"On the floor!" She answered walking back into the room.

They carefully laid him on the floor and she dropped to her knees at his side. She took her towel and started to clean the blood off him. She had to get him cleaned up so she knew what she was working with. Once he was cleaned up enough she saw that the skin above his right eyebrow was busted and would need to be stitched up and he also had minor cuts along his cheek. Seeing his shirt stain with blood she ordered Mikey to cut it off him.

After the shirt was off she saw he also had a cut along his abdomen that would need stitched as well. "Draken get me a bowl of water and a empty one." She grabbed a package out of her medical bag and the stitching thread she would need. In the bag was a sterilized needle she would use to stitch him up.

"I need him held down." She looked up at all the guys as Draken placed the bowls at her side. All the guys held him down and before she started she looked at them, "I need him completely still. If he moves while I do this it can make it worse." They all nodded at her. She decided she would start on the smaller one, his eyebrow.

She took a towel and rolled it up placing it in his mouth. "What is that for?" Mikey asked.

"It will keep him from screaming and having neighbors come over," She said Hutchins over the boy, "And it will keep him from possibly breaking his teeth."

She made sure to clean the area with alcohol before the needle made its first hole. As she had expected Baji let out a muffled scream in pain and all the boys worked to keep him still. After ten agonizing minutes the hole was stitched up. Baji had let out a heavy breath of air through his nose and closed his eyes due to exhaustion. Rain let out a breath as well before looking down at the cut on his stomach. She made a bandage that would help the blood from going anywhere and she could tell it wasn't as deep as the one on his face, as to why she prioritized the one on his face.

She sighed, "One more time."

Taiyaki is a fish-shaped cake filled with red-bean paste

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