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Sense I couldn't update yesterday here is a extra chapter!


"Ahh!" Baji screamed as he punched the side of the dumpster creating a crater in the side, "Who the fuck did this? Who came after we left?" His voice sounding a mix of anger and pain.

Neither three could answer him as neither three knew the answer to either question. Chifuyu sat on the ground hugging his legs trying to keep the pain hidden, Draken paced back and forth trying to think of something, Mikey just stood there his face blank. "Why her?" Chifuyu was the first to speak even if it was just a whisper, "Why would someone target Rain?"

"I don't know." Draken answered.

"She won't let us near her to even try to talk to her." Baji pointed out.

"I would understand why," Draken made all the guys look at him, "The last of her items of her mother was destroyed and broken. As far as she knew Mikey was the only one who knew where they was." His thumb pressed to his chin as he tried to rake in every bit of information he knew and put it in a way it lined up. "We all know that we didn't do that but it makes sense why she thinks we did. We are the ones with keys to the home other then her. The door didn't have damage from a forced entry."

"So there is a fifth with a key." Mikey finally spoke.

"Yes but we have to find out who to know who did this to her." Chifuyu stood to his feet.

"And I know the bastard to start with." Baji punched a fist into his open palm hand.

"Her father." Mikey said his face covering in anger.

It took a while but eventually the guy was able to track down the drunk as he tumbled out of a bar. In his drunk state he couldn't even hold himself up without the help of a wall. The guys watch as he tried to walk down the street but ultimately failing. Mikey walked infront of him with the calmest face he could gather and looked at the filth of a man.

"If it isn't the bitches play thing." He slired tilting sideways onto a wall.

"We need to talk." His voice in the tone as if he was speaking at a meeting. 

"I'm not talking to you." He leaned up to the best of his abilities and went to turn away.

Draken was quick to shove a arm under his chin and shove his back against the wall. "It wasn't a question." His usually calm voice laced with venom.

Baji and Chifuyu stood behind them hating the sight of the man. "If it isn't all the fuck toys." He had a drunken smile on his lips.


The next morning Rain woke up leaned into a corner in the kitchen. To her left a wall along with her back and to her with was the bar making the only way to have access to her was infront of her. A knife laid at her side as that was her weapon of protection over night. Her knees hugged to her chest as she looked down the hall with empty eyes.

How was she supose to come back from this? How can she come back from losing a second family. She never understood why she was always the one hurt in the end. First her mother died and her father abused her. Then Mikey and the gang turn on her and destroy what's most precious to her. She felt as if she was just is a tar pit with no way out. She was just being pulled under.

She went to go move but the pain from her foot being the first thing other then fear and anger that she had felt. She looked down and saw there was dried blood along her right foot from the glass last night. She had managed to get the glass out but had yet to doctor it. She knew she would need to get up and clean it before it gotten infected but she had no energy to even keep her eyes open.

Suddenly her phone buzzed to life on the counter above her head. She jumped slightly at it but reached up and took it. It was her manager at the cafe calling. "Rain hunney are you okay? Your never late for work?" Her manager asked worried.

"Oh," Rain whispered, "I'm gonna quit."

"What happened?" She asked but in return Rain just hung up the phone. She couldn't bring herself to give it a explanation so she had just hung up.

Suddenly the urge to empty her blatted filled her body and with a grunt she used the counter to pull herself from the floor. Looking down at her foot she tried to put pressure on it but retreated as the pain was to great. She used the counter and walls to help her limp to the bathroom. When she made it a item sat on the counter looking directly at her. She ripped the pink box open and ripped the package reaching the actual item itself.

After using the bathroom she sat it down on the floor as she got the items she would need to clean her foot. Luck on her side it was easy to her to clean up the dried blood and apply the correct antibiotics to the cuts. Looking back at what she sat on the floor two sided of her screamed. Once side telling her to look at the results and the other telling her not to. With trembling fingers she grabbed it and turned it other.

What she seen made her slide off the toilet, her former seat, and onto the floor. Two bright pink lines showed on the pregnancy test. "No." She whispered as more tears fell from her dull green eyes.

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