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After she was done everyone just sat around waiting on Baji to come to. He had passed out half way through the one on his abdomen. Rain sat on the floor with Baji's head in her lap as she softly brushed his hair. Draken sat on the chair. The two guys who brought Baji over sat on the couch. Mikey stood against the wall next to the door. As he had said they didn't need any more surprises so he was acting like a look out. Chifuyu paced back and forth in the kitchen trying to stay calm.

Rain yawned when the clock turned one am. All the guys looked at her due to that being the only sound that had been made since Baji passed out. "Get some sleep." Draken said softly to her.

She shook her head. "I can't leave him. I have to know he is going to be okay." His hair completely brushed out and smooth by this point she decided to start braiding his hair. She pointed at her backpack and with out a word it was given to her. She dug out some hair ties to use. She had parted his hair and got to work.

She started on the first on and once finished she tied it off and started on the other side. She did the braids that would go behind his head, she knew him well enough if she did the ones that went to the side of his head he would have a fit. After she finished the second one she tied it off as well.

She sighed and rubbed his cheek with her thumb as she rested her hand along his jaw. No matter how tired her body was she couldn't bring herself to leave him until she at least knew he was going to be okay. Reaching into the bowl with clean water that had a towel in it she carefully rung out the towel and started to pat him along his forehead. She had to make sure he wouldn't start a fever or anything.

Once she put the towel back in the bowl she started to rub his cheek some more. She could feel her body start to drift off but she fought to stay awake. She heard a shuffle come from behind her, most likely Chifuyu pacing.

"Ass hole," She heard a weak mumble come from her lap, "Took my fucking chair." His voice was horse from the screaming. She was washed with emotions as she realized the voice came from Baji. She couldn't contain the tears that came from her. Slowly reaching up he wiped the tears away, "What did I say about crying?"

"Your alive." She says between sobs.

"Of course I am," He goes to sit up even tho Rain told him not to, "Those bastards cant kill me."

"Who was it?" Mikey asked crouching beside him as he leaned against the couch.

"Thoes Valhalla bastards." Baji coughed. Chifuyu brought a glass of water to him to drink and Baji had it down in one drink.

Mikey went to go ask more questions but was stopped by Rain, "Let's ask more tomorrow he needs rest."

He just nodded at her. She instructed the two guys on the couch to carry Baji to her room to sleep on her bed. After he got laid down on the bed he carefully made himself comfortable. "Never thought this would be the way I got into a girls bed." He chuckled looking over at her.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked.

"Where are you going to sleep?" He followed up.

"I'll sleep on the floor I'll be okay." She says grabbing a pillow off the bed that he wasn't laying on.

"No your not!" He shot up but quickly regretted it goaning in pain holding his abdomen.

"You have to be careful!" She ran over to him to make sure he didn't break any stitches and luckily he didn't.

"Sleep up here with me," He grabs her hand, "I promise your safe this time." He then winks at her.

"Oh my god," Both turn to see Chifuyu in the door way with his hand across his forehead, "Your such a fucking hoe." He then walks away.

Rain's face instantly went red and coved it with her hands while Baji just laughed at his friend's comment. "But for real get in bed." Baji would have pulled her into bed if he could.

"I won't win with you will I?" She looks at him as he lays back down.

"Nope." He smiled popping the 'p'.

Instead of trying to argue she just walked to the side of the bed that was empty and laid in it. Baji laid on his back while Rain on her side with her back to him. Before long both had fallen asleep.

The next morning was an adventure in its self. She woke up to a heavy weight on her. Opening her eyes she looked down Baji and laid one arm across her body and a leg as well. Some how she had managed to be completely wrapped in the blanket with no way to escape. And to put icing on the cake he was drooling on her shoulder.

"Baji," She says in hopes of waking him up, "Baji I have to pee." She wiggled around trying to make him wake up but no luck as his snores drown out her words. She decided to wiggle around in hopes of making the blanket lose around her. She quickly got tired by that and came to a stop. She didn't want to be loud in hopes of not waking everyone up but it was getting to the point where she couldn't hold her blatter any more. "Babji!" She screamed into his ear. He grumbled in his sleep and ended up turning over onto his side without even flinching or opening his eyes.

Draken rushed into the door way to witness Rain fighting the blanket to escape. "What happened?" He asked.

"I have to pee!" She screamed pushing past him and into the bathroom.

Leaving Draken dumbfounded in the hall she slammed the bathroom door shut and quickly rushed to use the bathroom. She walked out with a reliving sigh, "Much better."

She walked back into her room and saw Mikey talking with Baji most likely about yesterday. She left them to talk no wanting to disturb them, she'll check on the stitches when they finish.

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