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"So how bad is it?" Draken asked a nurse as she walks into the room.

It had been a few hours sense the accident and Chifuyu has done nothing but pace back and forth outside the room Rain now laid inside of. He mumbled about how it was his fault and hoe he shouldn't have taken her out that morning. How they should have just waited to leave with everyone else.

Chifuyu still wore his bloody, ripped clothes that now just looked like rags. His hair stuck out everywhere with blood dried into it. Nurses have tried to get him into a room but everytime he refused. The one they needed to worry about was Rain he had told them all over and over again.

The nurse let out a shakey breath and slowly put of the X-Ray pictures onto the board and then turned the light on. Mikey stood from his chair and walked over beside the two. They saw where her leg was broken from the motorcycle landing on top of her. There was many spots it showed where it looked like her bones didn't look right.

Mikey was the first to ask, "What is this?" He pointed to what looked like a crooked bone in her arm.

"That's is what we assume was a broken bone that didn't head correctly." The nurse answered.

"How many are there?" Draken asked as Mikey started to count them.

"Sixty-seven of them." She sighed.

"He did this to her." Mikey whispered turning to look at the girl in the hospital bed.

"I have to ask for security reasons," She looked up at Draken, "You are not hurting her are you?"

"No." Mikey quickly jumps in, "Her father was abusive. We didn't know about it untill a couple days ago and as soon as we found out we separated them."

"He won't ever be around her any more." Draken tried to reassure the worried nurse. She let out a reliving shakey breath at the news.

"No Rain is the important one!" They all heard come from the hallway. All off them going out into the hall to see a doctor trying to get Chifuyu looked at. "Once she is okay she can help me!"

"Sir please you need medical help." The doctor says trying to stay calm.

"She is my doctor!" Chifuyu backed away from the man, still limping on the sore leg.

Baji walked out of the room and up to him. "Chifuyu you need to snap out if this," Baji grabbed his shoulders making him look at Baji, "Chifuyu if she wakes up and sees you like this she will freak out."

"When," Chifuyu corrects him. "When she wakes up you mean. She isn't dead. She can't be dead."

"Your right when she wakes up." Baji corrected himself.

Chifuyu shot his head at Mikey and Draken that stood in the door of the room and back to Baji like he had realized something, "Her backpack!" He started to panic.

"What about it?" Draken asked.

"She doesn't have her backpack!" He says looking back at Draken, "She never leaves without her backpack!"

"We will go get the backpack," Mikey walks up to him, "But you have to get looked at."

"Baji stay here." Draken follows behind Mikey, "We'll go look at the crash site and see if we can find it."

Baji nodded and looked at the doctor, "What room do you want him in?" The man pointed at the room next to Rain's and Baji basically pushed Chifuyu into the room.

"Let's go." Draken and Mikey both head to the exit of the hospital.

Both of them gotten onto their bikes and started the engines. They knew where it had happened as they passed the sight on the way to the hospital when Chifuyu had called originally. It didn't take long to get there. The bike wasn't there as it was towed off sight, it wasn't able to be saved with the damage it took. Once there they gotten off the bikes. They never seen the full details of what had happened until then. The scrapes in the concrete the bike left along with the blood stained into the concrete its self. They easily spotted the black backpack with yellow sunflowers on it laying beside the building Rain was trapped at. 

Picking it up they took note about how both straps had been broken. Picking it up by the hand strap at the top Draken held it. "It's worse then what we though it was." Was the only words Draken could get out of his mouth.

"How did she survive this?" Mikey crouched down looking at the damage done.

"As upsetting as it sounds we don't know if she will survive," Draken sighed, "She had so much internal bleeding."

"Untill said differently she will survive." Mikey looked over and picked something off the ground. It was the picture of everyone at her graduation she kept in her helmet. It had ended up breaking by what Chifuyu says.

He stood up and held the picture. There was small blood spot that was on it and one spot covered Rains face. He carefully wiped it off trying not to smudge it into the picture it's self. Once it was cleaned he saw how happy she was that they was there that day. 

She had peace signs up with her hands. He noticed how she also had her leg slightly lifted off the ground. Her face showed happiness. "Draken do you think she stole her happiness?" Mikey asked never moving his eyes from the picture.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She was so happy just a week ago and now she is in the hospital probably on deaths door." Draken heard his voice crack some.

"Don't do this to yourself," Draken walks up and places a hand on his shoulder, "Don't put yourself in that headspace."

"I can't help but ask myself." Mikey explains looking at the girl in the picture.

"Mikey that's a decision Rain has to make and only she can do that. Don't automatically assume." Draken tried his best to be the support his friend needed even though the thought broke him as well.

"But how will we know?" Mikey throws another question.

"Come on let's go." Draken avoids it, "We need to be there for her." Mikey nodded and put the picture safely in his pocket. He wanted to make sure she got it back.

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