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After a few more hours and many times making sure the fitting was right it was finally finished. Smiley had come back with lunch and the three ate and talked about anything that came to mind to them. Doing a final fit with everything together the guy agreed that it felt good and looked great. Mitsuya put it in a box so it wouldn't mess up with the wind of the bike and both Smile and Rain left with the box between them to hold it on.

After the two gotten back she wasn't expecting what had happened when she opened the door. Once the door open Chifuyu ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders, "Do you not know how to answer a phone?"

"What?" She asked confused.

"We have all been trying to call you." Draken answered her question.

"Oh I haven't had a phone for like the past three days." He voice calm like it was normal.

"Why?" Mikey asked.

"It's broken and I don't have the money to fix it." She tried to brush the conversation off as if it was nothing. And in reality she was use to no phone. Many time her father wound take her phone in his drunk state and refuse to give it back to her for weeks so in reality she was use to this.

"Baji Rain is going to use your phone!" Chifuyu yells across the apartment.

"Hell no!" Baji yells back from the room, "She don't need to see what on this! It's called personal privacy for a reason!"

"Do be a ass!" Chifuyu walks back to the room.

The two started their daily bickering. It's almost as if it wasn't a complete day if they didn't. She giggled at them and held the box up to show Mikey and Draken. "We'll it's here." Her stomach did butterflies.

"Well show us." Smiley pushed her towards the bathroom. Her face tinted red as she walked into the bathroom and locked the door. The noise of Chifuyu and Baji still bouncing off walls.

She stripped herself of her clothes and slipped on the dress. Mitsuya was good with his work because the dress fit perfect on her. It hugged her curves in the right place at the top and the bottom fluttered out like a ball gown. It stops at mid thigh for her and the gold around it popped with the black dress. She didn't notice until she looked in the mirror but on the chest between her breats was the symbol of the gang, a counterclockwise swastika*. She softly brushed her fingers over the well stitched symbol and smiled at herself.

Looking in the box she did also find a leather choker with the same symbol on it as well. she put it on her neck and gave herself one last look over in the mirror. She looked okay by her own judgment, noting to go crazy over.

"I need my doctor!" She could hear Baji yell. His way of having her hurry up.

She sighed at her reflection before walking out. In the hallway stood everyone and Chifuyu stood at the bedroom door with Baji's arm over his shoulder helping him walk. They were all speechless, at least all but Baji.

"Man now to just get you in bed again." He did his signature smirk and did a little finger gun at her.

"Stop." She hid her face in her hands.

"Okay your going to lay back down." Chifuyu says and Baji instantly starts to complain.

Mikey walked up to her and lifted her chin looking at the choker. "I had him make this." Mikey admitted, "All of us have gotten to know you and now we go to you over everything."

"What is it you saying?" She asked as he paused.

"What he is asking," Draken stepped in, "Is that is you wanna be a Toman girl. It's not a fancy title or anything. You basically be the gangs princess. Meaning we'll all protect you. That you'll be family to everyone."

She looked at Mikey looking for any signs that it could possibly be a lie. Instead Mikey just nodded at Drakens words. She teard up some and jumped on Mikey hugging him, "Yes I want you all as my family."

After that she spent the day doctoring Baji and caring for her new family. They all picked at her to keep the dress on for the rest of the day and no matter what complaining she did she lost the battle to take it off.

She just gave into the boys and wore the dress as she did the most basic stuff. When it got down to supper she sighed now having anything to make. "Everything okay?" Chifuyu asked hearing the sigh.

"No food for dinner." She looked back at them in the living room.

Well just order out then." Mikey suggested.

"Unless you are paying for it I'll go grocery shopping." She says walking into her room to get a change of clothes, "And I will not be wear this out."

"Oh that's for our eyes only doll." Baji wink as he sits on the bed looking up from his phone.

"Baji stop." Raind giggled at the comment. She has realized he is a big flirt with her but it's friends being friends. She changed into more comfortable clothes and walked out of the room. "When I get back I'll change you bandages and after that we'll see how you feel and see about you getting up and moving okay?" Baji nodded as she walked out of the room.

She walked into the living room and over to the door. Slipping on her white van she grabs her back back off the hook beside the door. "I'll be back." She smiled at them.

"Not alone." Mikey quickly says and stands up from his spot on the couch. He grabbed his jacket and then put his shoes on at the door.

She looked up at him, "I'll be okay I swear."

"Nope not with Valhalla everywhere." He was stern on his words.

Without trying to plead her case anymore the two left. He went to get on his bike when the reached the bottom floor. "What are you doing?" She asked trying to stop the smile on her face.

"We are going to the market." He says like it was a normal thing.

"And how are we going to carry all the food back on your bike?" She pointed at it, "You don't have any side saddle bags to put it in."

Looking around he realized she was right. He got off and stood beside her. "So what do we do?" He asked.

"Simple we walk." They start walking to the market, "I promise it's not that far."


the manji symbol is counter-clockwise with the center as a plus sign while the other version is clockwise and tilted at an angle known as a "hooked cross"

Manji's swastika also means prosperity and good luck

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