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Everyone stood outside of the truck as Rain got the crutches situated under her arms into a comfortable position. "I can do this!" Rain had a confident look on her face as she looked at the stairs that would lead up to her home. Three stories she would have to go up. Baji and Chifuyu held the bags as Mitsuya, Draken and Mikey walked behind her to make sure she would fall.

Carefully she walked up to the first step. She attempted the first step and never realized how hard it would initially be to walk upstairs with crutches. After a solid five minutes she was able to get up on the first step. Her eyes beamed with excitement at the small accomplishment.

She cheered for herself in her head as she thought she finally was able to do something herself. A groan came from behind her as she was swept off her feet. Letting out a gasped she saw it was Draken. "I could do it!" She exclaimed at the taller male that now held her in his arms.

"Yea when pigs fly." He chuckles at her as the quickly made their way up the stairs. She huffed and crossed her arms with a pout on her face. Draken couldn't help but laugh a little on the actions.

Once they reached her floor he sat her down and Chifuyu handed her the crutches again as she demanded that she could do it at least from here. The guys made sure she was good before letting her creep her way to the apartment door. Mikey was the one to unlock the door before she could reach it.

"I could do it." She looked at him when she reached the door.

"Stop complaining and just go inside." Baji snorted behind her.

"Ugh so pushy!" She complained walking inside.

She walked inside and noticed that everything looked the same as it did the morning she left with Chifuyu. The only difference being a blanket on the couch and in the chair that Baji has claimed as his. "You never left?" She asked as she paused in the middle of the living room.

"No," Chifuyu answered, "We had to make sure you was safe."

Hot tears formed in her eyes. It had been so long sense she had someone worry about her, the last person being her mother. She couldn't form any words as each guy walked past her and made themselves comfortable in the room. Baji dropping down on the chair as usual while Mitsuya and Mikey made good use of the couch. Draken stood against the wall next to Baji.

Chifuyu was the last one standing as he stood next to her. "Come on sit down and rest." He pointed to the space on the couch between the two guys.

"I have been sitting long enough I want to do something else." She turned her head and smiled at him. She limply made her way into the small kitchen looking for something to make for lunch, Chifuyu following like a lost puppy.

"You don't have to cook." Baji went to go get out of his chair.

Draken stopped him and received a confused look from the dark haired male. "Let them have a moment." Draken simply says in a whisper.

"Whatcha talking about?" Rain's head came up from the fridge to look at them.

"Oh nothing just how we need some fresh air." Draken grabs Baji but his jacket sleeve and pulls him up to his feet.

"I'll come!" Rain smiles.

"Make us some lunch," Draken returns a soft smile to her, "You said yourself you wanna do something other then rest."

Draken motions for Mikey and Mitsuya to follow him as he pulled a complaining Baji along with them. Once outside Baji just looked at the three like their heads just came off. "What?" He asked throwing his hands on his hips.

"Don't stand there and lie that you don't see it." Draken crossed his arms over his chest.

"See what?" Mikey asked confused on the subject that was being talked about.

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