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"Bye Miss Huro!" The small teen smiles as she made her way out of mathematics. It was her last class of the day meaning it's time to put on her work face. She worked in a small restaurant. It was one of the hole in the wall places that not many people knew of but it made it the perfect place to work because she was able to build bonds with her regulars that came in.

After walking through the restaurant doors she walked into the back room and tossed on a apron and clocked in. The evening went smooth. Mostly regulars came in and made it nice for her to be at work. She was one of the few people that worked there that loved her job. Yes she was just a waitress but she loved what she did.

After a few hours it was getting close to the middle of her shift when a few drunk men came in. She didn't recognize them meaning they had to be new customers. "Hello!" She says happily, "Sit where ever you'd like!" A smile on her face as she gathered two means and chopsticks for the men. "How are you today?" She asked as she reached the table.

Both guys turned to face her with sinister smiles. "Good now that your here." One slurred in his drunk state. He reached and forcefully grabbed her small wrist causing her to drop the items she head in her hands onto the floor.

"Sir could you please let go of me?" She asked kindly not wanting to make a scene in the empty building.

"I'd rather not." He smiled standing from the booth and pulling her towards him.
She tried to push herself away but she couldn't escape his grasp.

"Sir please let me go." She said a hair bit louder hoping he would comply. As the first time he shut the request down and pushed her against the bar the stood opposite of the booth. The second guy still sat at the booth watching the scene in front of him as it played out with a smile on his face.

The man that held her against the bar pushed his leg between hers trapping her against the hard surface. She squeezed her eyes shut wishing this wasn't happening. She wished the men would leave and never come back.

A grunt of pain echoed off the empty walls and the grip released her. She didn't want to open her eyes in fear of what happened but on the other side of the same coin she wanted to know. She slowly opened her eyes to see a new man standing in front of her. He had shoulder length blonde hair with the top part losely tied in a pony-tail. His back was to her so she couldn't see his features. He wore a black trench coat and by the looks of it, it was just resting on his shoulders. 

"I'm sure I heard the lady say to leave her be." He spoke in a soft yet threatening tone of voice.

"I know who you are." The man in the booth said with hatred in his voice.

"Then you know you should leave." Another voice spoke. Looking to her right she seen a man much taller then the one in front of her now. The sides of his head was shaved. A dragon tattoo supported on the left side of his head. A long blonde braid going down his back and a small section of hair hanging in front his face. He wore a long black sweater with a white checkered pattern around the middle.

Both men looked intimidating but the man in the booth still didn't back down. In fact he honestly looked as if he was more angry that there was now two men here not just one.

"Two to one?" The man asked, "Hardly seems fair." Instead of a fight the man just stood and picked up his friend, who has badly bruised cheek, and left the restaurant.

Rain let out a breath she never knew was stuck in her throat after the chime of the bell indicating the door shutting behind them. She felt tears starting to line her eyes as everything finally settled with what had just happened.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked. She looked up at the man that stood in front of her. He stood a inch or two taller then her with deep dark eyes. A small nose and pale lips. His jaw line was sharp and his cheeks looked smooth.

"Yes I'm fine." She whispered.

"Your hurt." He says lightly holding her wrist. She looked down at the wrist that use to be held captive in the mans grip. A large bruise started to form due to the tightness the man held her.

"I'll be ok." She smiles at him.

"Here." The second taller man says handing her the items that was dropped onto the floor.

She smiled and took them from him and giving a shy thank you. "Are you two hungry?" She asked, "It will be on me. As a thank you."

"I could go for some food." The smaller man says with a childlike smile jumping from his lips.

"Take a seat and I'll be right with you." She walked behind the counter getting clean menus and new utensils for the men.

She walks over to them and takes their order then goes to the back where the cook was. As usual music blared behind the closed door of the kitchen. She gave the cook the paper with the order on it and made her way back out to the front part of the building.

She made drinks for the two guys sitting at the booth and carried them over. "Are you sure your not hungry?" She asked the taller male and he just shook his head no.

After the meal was ready she handed it to the smaller male and his face lit up like a child at Christmas. She smiled and walked away to leave the gentlemen to their conversation and food.

The two sat there for at least an hour before leaving. They had talked the time while the smaller male ate and the as soon as he finished he fell asleep on the chair. She smiled at it. How could someone who had such a dangerous vibe to him act so childish? She wondered to herself.

After about thirty minutes of him sleeping the taller male picked him up and made sure it was ok them leaving without payment. She reassured him it was the least she could do and the two left.

She walked to the table to clean it and carefully stacked everything before picking up the plate. Under the plate sat 2,610.49* yen. She smiled at how they was kind enough to still leave a tip even though the food was free to them.

The rest of the shift went on as usual. Nothing exciting had happened after the interaction with the drunken man and she was more then happy about that. She wasn't sure she could deal with more excitement.

2,610.49 Yen = 20 US dollars

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