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Before anyone knew it graduation day was here. Rain hadn't seen any of the guys sense the incident with her father making her lost. Luckily for her the last few days was nothing but preparation for graduation and her job was to easy to get lost doing. She missed her family and would kill to have them back.

The apartment being a dead quiet was uncomfortable to her. She wanted to hear Baji and Chifuyu's bickering. She wanted to hear Smiley's giggle he does. She wanted to hear Mikey and Draken cut up like the usually would. She even wanted to hear Angry's annoyance in his breath at his brother.

She stood at graduation practice as they went over everything that would happen during the ceremony. She did as her teachers said even though her head was on a different planet then the one she stood on. All she could think of was if everyone was okay and have they been eating.

It seemed to her almost as if everyone abandoned her. She felt as lost as she did when her mother died. "Hordi Rain." Her name was called.

She jumped back into her head and did the walk over the stage before the real time was here. She smiled and shook her principles hand before walking off and back to the seat she would be in for the ceremony.

The time passed and soon the student were let go to get ready for the ceremony. She walked back to her apartment mand unlocked the door and like the rest of the week it was empty and silent. She felt that everything had just went back to the way it was before Mikey and the rest of the guys.

Walking into her room she grabbed the dress her mom had bought her before she died. A gray dress with floral pattern, the same one she only would wear to her mother's grave. She grabbed her pendant above her bed and clips it around her neck.

Walking into the bathroom she lightly curled the bottom of her black hair and applied light makeup. Not that she was there to make anyone happy so she decided to try to be happy for herself.

Once she decided she looked good she went to her door ready to leave again. She put on her black heels that she decided would look good and walked out of the apartment locking up behind her.

Once back at the school the building was filled with friends and Family of the other students. In hops of seeing her people she looked around but was quickly disappointed as she didn't even see her own father there.

She sighed and just sat in her seat waiting to get this over with. Once it started everyone filled the seats around her and everyone gotten quite. They started on how they was proud of the student for reaching this stage then went on to introducing themselves. After that they moved on the awards that student was given.

Rain had an award for honor roll and perfect attendance making her have to get up to get her awards. As she walked to get them she still looked out at the crowd and hoped someone would cheer for her but no one did. Tears started to line her eyes as more of her heart broke. She just stayed quiet and made her way back to her chair.

She quietly sat down and soon the part where they get the diplomas started. The first row stood and every row followed behind. Her being on the last row meant it would be a minute for hers. One by one each student walked across and every student had someone cheer for them.

She had to stop herself from getting more upset as she would receive cheers. She wouldn't receive a congratulations. "Hordi Rain." Her name was called just like it was at practice as it came her turn. She walked the stage over to where the principles stood. After being given her diploma she froze at what happened.

"Let's go Rain!" She heard be screamed over the building.

She frantically looked for the owner of the voice and once she found the person tears of joy leaked down her face. At the entrance stood Mikey, Draken, Baji. And Chifuyu. Baji lowers his hand as the was cupped around his mouth to make his voice carry. As his arms reached his sides she was shown another surprise. The sound of motorcycle engines roared to life surrounding the building.

She quickly ran to her slamming group and jumped onto Draken. She hugged them as tight as she possibly could scared it was just a dream. Everyone around them erupted into claps at the scene happening in front of them.

"Come on Rain yiu have to go back to your chair." Chifuyu says quietly. She nodded and let go of Draken.

The four guys following behind her as she made her way back to the chair. Because of a wall being behind her the four guys stood between her and the wall, all four of them having a hand resting on her as she leaned into their touches. The teachers finished out the ceremony and all the students threw their caps in the air. All except Rain that is. In her cap was two very important things to her.

"Why didn't you toss yours?" Mikey asked.

She took off her cap and pulled out two pictures. One of her mother and one of the gang. "If I didn't I would have lost my people." She smiled down at the pictures, "I wasn't sure if you would come in person so I wanted to make sure you was here." She explained herself.

"Well we are all here now." Chifuyu smiles.

"Come one every one is waiting!" Smiley pops in his hard from the door way.

The five of them make their exit and outside was the entire gang. They was all there. "If you cry again Imma scream." Baji exclaimed pulling at his hair.

"We need a picture!" She grabs Baji and Mikey's arm and pulls them over to where everyone else was. She handed someone her phone to a lady to take a picture for her. "Hold on just a minute." She reached into her bag and pulled out the Toman choker that was made for her and clasped it around her neck. "Okay I'm ready!"

She did little peace signs with her hands while all the guys stood in their normal intimidating stance. The flash from the camera flashed and she quick ran up to the lady and thanked her before looking at it. It felt as if her heart was healing inside her chest as she saw everyone with her.

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