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Later that day after work Draken had come and picked her up. As usual he sat outside on his bike patently waiting for her to get off. He played on his phone to pass the time many of the member massaging about the plan against Valhalla. They had to get the group off of Rain's trail. She didn't deserve to have a group of ruthless guys after her. All because she got roped in with the manji gang.

Everyone made it a priority to make sure Rain stayed safe. Hence why she was escorted everywhere she went. All of the gang had gotten to know her and they all fell for her. Not in a romantic way but in a way we're they just want to protect her at all cost. She became the princess, sister, and doctor for them all at once.

The chime of the restaurant door opening caught his attention and out came Rain shoving everything into her small backpack she carried everywhere with her. "How was work?" He asked as she got closer to him.

"It was okay." She shrugged her shoulders.

"It could have always been a bad night." He hands her the helmet for her to put on.

She grabs it from him but before she could put it on her arm was jerked behind her. She turned to face the person and her face went pale. It was her father.

"At least a slut can keep a job!" He screams into her face.

"Get your hands off of her before you lose them." Draken stood from his bike.

"You think I'm scared of you just because your tall?" He asked.

"Please just let go." Rain whimpered trying to get her father to let her wrist go.

He tightened his grip and jerked her to him. "Where are the others?" He spat in her face, "Only decided on one toy tonight?"

"Don't talk about them like that." She continues to try and get away from him.

Draken goes up to him and pulls his arm back and let's his fist connect to the man's cheek. He fell to the ground releasing Rain's arm. Draken crouched down to his level on the ground and pulled out a knife. "I told you to let her go," he puts the knife to the bottom of the man's throat, "Or you would lose your hands. Do you want to start with the left or right?" With the tone Draken used you could tell he was serious.

"Draken please can we just leave?" Her body quivering.

"He needs to pay." Draken said with venom.

"I'm okay I promise." She grabs his arm with one hand.

"Better listen to your bitch." The man then spit on Draken's clothes.

It was as if a string snapped in Draken. He lost control of himself and continuously started to beat the man into the concrete. "No!" Rain screamed trying to grab Draken and pull him off. No matter what she did she couldn't get him to let go. So she did the one thing she knew that would work. She called Mikey.

"Mikey I can't get Draken to stop." She sobbed into the phone when he answered.

"What's happening?" Mikey asked. She could hear him moving around on the other end.

"He is fighting someone!" She watched as Draken stood ready to smash his head in with his foot, "Draken no!" She dropped the phone that the gang had gotten her onto the concrete. She had to stop him someway. With or without Mikey there.

Running up to him she grabbed a hold if his arm and tried to pull him back. He walked back with her away from the now bloody man on the concrete. He could have easily over powered Rain and went back to beating the guy but he didn't want to scare her more then she already was.

The guy stood and spit out some blood before looking at them. "Tired already?" He asked, "I've got more to say about that bastard girl." He pointed at Rain. "Let's start with how much of a god damn weakling she is that can't do shit for herself!"

Draken broke free from her and jumped back on the man. "She is far from weak!" He screams, "She is the strongest person I know!"

It was then she heard bikes come up. Turning around she saw Mikey, Baji, Chifuyu, Smiley, and Angry. They all put down the rest for the bikes and got off. The vibe they gave off now was completely different from the one this morning. This morning it was relaxed and comfortable but now the threatening vibe they all gave off was practically visible to the naked eye.

They carried themselves completely different then what they would behind closed doors. Instead of smiling and laughing they had straight faces with no sign of feelings behind their eyes. Even Smiley's smile he always held carried a threatening tone to it.

All of them stood behind Rain, "Draken." Mikey says catching his attention making he separate from the man.

The air gotten much thicker as everyone separated with Rain standing in the middle. "Can we just go please?" She asked as her voice trembled in fear of her father, "I just want to go home."

Chifuyu and Baji walked up to her and they both grabbed her hands and walked her back towards the bikes while the others still stood between her and the man. "This isn't over!" He called out to her before turning and walking away.

Once he was out of sight and she stood at the bikes she couldn't control the tremble in her body any more. Dropping to her knees she shook violently as her breathing became irregular. Everyone crouched around her trying to get her breathing and back to normal. After a few moments she was able to calm herself.

"Who was that?" Draken asked wiping the blood from his lip where her father had hit him.

"No one." She tried to brush it off.

"It's someone." Mikey added in.

"I dont know no who he was." She picked at her nails.

"Rain please don't protect him." Chifuyu whispers sitting in front of her. Because of what he and Baji knew he could only guess it was her father.

She just cried. She felt as it everyone was coming at her over the situation. She should have know better then to assume her life could be good with her new family. She loved them all and would do anything for them but she just couldn't bring herself to throw her old family away. Even though she knew her old family wasn't good for her she just couldn't bring herself to drop it.

"Can we please go home?" She asked in her sobs.

"Let's go." Baji grabs her hand pulling her up to her feet.

She walks with Baji to his bike and watched as he sat down. She went to get on the back behind him but he stopped her. He patted the spot in front of him and she nodded. He had her sit facing him where she could hold to him as they moved through the streets. She just cried into his jacket the entire ride home as the scene played over and over in her head. The words her father said being burned into her brain.

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