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After a bit of talking Mikey came back into the living room and looked at Rain. "He's all yours." He says point a thumb over his shoulder to the hallway the room was in. She stood up and walking into the room to make sure everything was good and she needed to change his bandages.

"So it was Valhalla." She heard Mikey start before she got out of ear reach.

Walking into the room Baji was sat up laid again the white headboard. He smiled at her when he seen her come in, "Morning Doc."

"How are you feeling?" She asked grabbing some bandages from her bag along with some ointment.

"Ehh great sense I slept with you." He smirked at her with a wink following.

She giggled and went to take the old bandages off his head. She carefully put some ointment on it and new bandages. " I need you to lay down." She instructed.

"Don't like it sitting up?" He asked slowly and carefully laying down.

"Shut up." She smiled and pulled the old bandages off when he got still.

"Your cute when you blush I can't help it." He moved his arms under his head.

She did the same with this set as she did with the cut on his forehead. She stepped back when she finished and walked back to her bag to put when she didn't use back. Going to the trashcan beside her bed she tossed the nasty ones away.

"Welp time to go get the asses." He goes to move to stand up but was quickly stopped.

"I think not." She stood over him like a mother scolding her child.

"I'm a grown man," He threw his arms down at his side like a child, "If I wanna get up I can!"

"Doctors orders." She taps him on the nose.

He just grumbled before he looked at her again with his signature smirk, "So does that mean I'll have you as my maid for the time being?" She gave a confused look. "You know sense I'm hurt and can't move."

"I mean I'll help you out but I wouldn't call it a maid." She answered.

"Nope it's a maid," He gestures to her outfit, "So where is the pretty little maid dress?"

Rain's face went tomato red at the comment. "You wanna maid outfit?" She heard from the door. They both turn to see Smiley with Angry standing behind him. "We can go get one! Oh you'd look so cute." He almost squilled at the words coming out of his mouth. "aybe we can even get Mitsuya to help out!" He added to his fit.

"Uh I don't know about a maid outfit." Rain held her hands up at her chest hoping to talk the out of it.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Smiley grabs her by the hand and drags her through the apartment.

Out in the living room everyone stood around and looked at the two confused. Angry slowly followed behind, "I'm out on this one." He said sitting on the couch.

"What is going on?" Mikey asked with a eyebrow cocked.

"Rain is gonna wear a dress!" Smiley says excited.

"A maid one!" Baji yelled from the room.

"Might be interesting." Draken smirked from the chair.

Being pulled out of the apartment by Smiley she turned to Chifuyu and mouthed help me and only got a smile and a shake of his head in return. She was dragged down to the bottom floor and Smiley grabbed her helmet off Draken's bike and carefully put it on her head. He got on his bike and turned to face her. "We'll come on." He pats the back of his bike. She sighed and climbed on.

They showed up to a small home and Smiley walked up and opened the door like it was a old friend he hadn't seen in a while. "Mitsuya!" He called as Rain took off the helmet and set it on the bike.

A guy walked out looking at the two, "Yes?"

"We need a maid dress for this beauty." He says the most calm he has been sense the idea came up.

"Do I even want to know?" The light purple haired male asked, "You know what I don't even care." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey Mitsuya." Rain gave him a small wave.

"Hi Rain." He walks over and grabs her by the arm and they walk back into what he calls him sewing room. "I still have your measurements from me making you the jacket. I just need to know the color."

She walks around the room that was filled with different colors, patterns, and fabric. She thought about it and felt a normal black one would look good but she hasn't ever been a fan of white, her mainly one white thing being her white vans. "How about the trim on it be silver?" She asked looking back at him, "Not a fan of white."

"Nope not silver, gold." He says quickly, "You will have Toman colors."

"So do we need to come back later?" She had asked.

"Your alright. I already had some fabrics the right size for you and Chifuyu had called saying that you was coming over to have a dress maid." He explains gesturing her to sit down,"I basically just have to get the trim around it sewed on and that's it."

"I'm gonna beat his ass." She balled up her fist.

Mitsuya raised and eyebrow looking at her, "Sorry to break it to you hunny but I think he will win."

Rain was always amazed by his talent when it came to sewing. She had tried to do it before but it ended in a epic fail. She didn't sew whenever needed really well and the fabric just fell apart basically. Being a doctor on the other had came as nature to her as breathing. It is almost like it was second handed down to her from her mother. There was just something she loved about helping people and making sure people was safe.

She sat down at the chair in the room. They sat in mostly silence as he worked. Every now and then he would measure everything with her body to make sure it fit her correctly. The time passed slow and as much as she loved the other guys being around it was nice to have some quiet time as well.

"I'm heading to get food you two want any?" Smiley asked walking into the room.

"I'll take some sushi." Mitsuya says looking up.

"I'm good." Rain smiles at him.

"No your getting food you haven't ate sense everything with Baji last night." Smiley instantly says.

After he leaves Mitsuya looks over at Rain, "What happened with Baji?"

"He got brought over and was badly injured," She starts, "I ended up having to stitch him up."

"I swear one day his low temper is going to get him killed." She sighed going back to sewing.

"That's why I'm here I won't let that happen." She looks down at her hands laying in her lap.

Earlier this week Mikey had come to her asking if she could be their doctor instead of them having to go to the hospital so much. She agreed and her only condition being if she told them to go to the hospital they had to go. Of course he was okay with the condition. Part of her knows she can do it, she knows she can help her friends. Other parts of her fears she made the wrong choice with saying she could do it.

If she was the reason someone would die then she might as well die with them because she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She loved them all as if they were her brothers and she couldn't bare to lose any of them. With how the Valhalla gang had gotten Baji so bad she knew that gang wasn't one to be leisure about. She knew that's why she wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone. All because of a rumor about her.

She knew more then what she let on to be. She knew everyone wanted to try and keep her out of the life they lived but you can't keep someone a secret forever. She knew how dangerous this gang was that was also know as the headless angel. She had to find a way to keep her new family safe. A gut feeling telling her something was coming.

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