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"Mikey!" Hanma announced himself in the old junkyard as everyone had gotten there. Mikey held no emotion on his face as he had seen the taller male. "Still a stick in the mud as always." A smirk snaked it's way across Hanma's lips.

"I have more important matters then to deal with this." A monotone voice came from Mikey.

"Is it about your new play thing?" He asked, "Heard she hasn't be around in a while."

"Leave her out of this!" Mikey screamed throwing his leg up to kick Hanma but it was easily blocked.

"Oh did I hit a nerve?" A gang of white jackets came out from hiding to stand behind Hanma.

"She has nothing to do with this." Draken spoke as he stood behind Mikey.

"Oh but she has everything to do with this." Hanm just continued to smile.

"Eat spit." Mikey growled before spitting into his face. Mikey lunged at his with a punch and just like that the fight started. Both gangs ran out eachother.

"Mikey can't we just talk?" Hanma asked before Mikey's fist connected with his chest making his breat leave his lungs.

"Talk about what?" Mikey blocked a punch to his left but never realized the one coming from his right, hitting him in the ribs.

"About just about how child minded you are." Hanma spit blood out into the ground as a fist connected to the side of his lower jaw.

"What does that mean?" Mikey asked as he stood there a minute to try and process when he could possibly be meaning.

"Your not seeing the bigger picture!" Hanma charged at him.

"And what's the picture?" Mikey asked kneeling him in the stomach.

"Your new bitch with die." Hanma said between breaths as he tried to catch air.

Then it clicked in his head. This was a distraction, all of it was, and the end goal had to do with Rain. "Chifuyu!" Mikey screamed turning to find the blonde. Chifuyu fought a few feet away from him. Blood came down from his hair line and his lip. He had what was going to be a nasty bruised cheek but he continued to fight. When Chifuyu heard his name he paused looking for it, when he connected eyes with Mikey he continued, "Go to Rain!"

"I can't leave this!" Chifuyu yelled as he punched another guy from Valhalla.

"Just go!" Mikey blocked a attach from Hanma.

"They won't make it in time." Hanma smiled with all his teeth on display.

Chifuyu just nodded at him knowing it was a order. "Oh no you don't." Two Valhalla members stood in front of him.

Chifuyu got in a fighting stance ready to beat them back just enough to get past. "Let me through or you'll regret it." Chifuyu growled.

"Not a chance kid." One smiled.

"Let him go!" A scream erupted and soon one guy was shoved into the ground and baji landed on him and punched him into the ground. Baji quickly stood and knocked the other in the temple making him fall to the ground.

"Let's go!" Chifuyu said grabbing Baji by the arm and pulling him behind him. The two took off towards the apartment.

The two ran down alleys and shoved people out of the way to make it to the apartment. Both their bodies burned from the running but neither willing to give up. "Where they distracting us?" Baji questions from his side.

"They had to be." Chifuyu answered.

"Maybe that's why the chose the complete other side of the city." Baji's eyes held anger that matched Chifuyu as they ran.

It took them fifteen minutes of running to get to the complex. Both looked up and Rain's door wide open and both knew something wasn't right. Racing up the stairs they reached the open door. Rain's father stood there with a gun pointed at Rain as he screamed at her.

Suddenly everything went slow motion for Chifuyu. The screaming was toned out due to his ears ringing as he watched as the man started to pill the trigger.

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