That week ended and when he was about to change into his PJs, he approached to close his drapes when he noticed that Harry was outside the building across the street talking with some guys and, entered it.

"So, he does live in that building... or maybe he's coming to visit," He thought surprised, he felt something inside again. Butterflies.

He got into bed thinking about him.

The summer ended and it was fall already. He hadn't seen Harry in a long time and he got used to his new routine: going to school, helping in the store, and coming back to do his homework or help with dinner. But from time to time he thought about the green-eyed boy and that now, he was nowhere to be seen, but in his head.

Thanksgiving passed and he was enjoying the Christmas break from school. Last month he was working twice as hard to catch up with school, doing some extra credits to have the grades needed to apply for a college scholarship.

One morning he went to the library to finish some paper, but he lost track of time and he was going late for his shift at the store.

Then when he was about a get there, he bumped into someone outside a coffee store, and both ended up on the snowed pavement.

"So- Sorry," Zayn said stuttering without looking up.

"Hey! You're in a hurry, aren't you? Zayn right?" Harry said standing up and holding out his hand to help him.

"Ye-yes. I'm sorry, I didn't see you," Zayn apologized looking for his glasses that were on the floor and Harry picked them up.

"Here, your glasses," Harry said.

"Tha-thanks," he said putting them on.

"You have beautiful eyes, y'know? You should show them more often," Harry said smiling at him.

"Thanks," Zayn said blushing.

"It's nice to see you again. Erm... are you still working with Mr. Jenkins?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I-I'm on my way there," Zayn said.

"Alright, I'll see you around then. Bye Zayn," Harry said smiling at him and showing his dimples.

"Bye... Harry," Zayn said waving at him and continuing his way to the store.

He finished his shift at the store and Mr. Jenkins noticed that Zayn was in a good mood.

"Did you have a good day Zayn?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, sir. Today was a good day," Zayn said smiling thinking about the encounter with the curly boy.

Before they close, a customer entered the store.

"Hey, kiddo! Long time, no see huh?" Mr. Jenkins said.

"Mr. Jenkins! Yes... I was in the UK, with my father. But now I'm staying with my mom," Harry said.

Zayn was at the back stacking some shelves when he heard his deep voice. He felt butterflies in his stomach again.

"Good to hear that. How can I help you?" Mr. Jenkins asked.

"Erm... I- I... the same, jam and... English scones..." Harry said looking around.

"Alright, let me get those for you," Mr. Jenkins said.

"That's alright, they're in the back aisle yeah?" Harry said and Mr. Jenkins nodded.

Zayn was standing there by the shelves and Harry approached.

"Hi again, twice in one day. Lucky me," Harry said smiling.

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