That Butler, Craving For Her Burning Hell

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Author's POV

He opened his eyes just to see her, her beautiful lids tightly closed, her juicy plump lips pouting cutely, and her skin... Oh that sinful skin of hers, always so pretty in the light of the sunrise.

He caresses her arm's skin till he gets to hold her hand. But while admiring her beauty, there was something that made him feel it was ruining the art before him: that ring.

A malicious light passed through his glowing green eyes while taking away the ring that had created so much trouble this entire time.

Reader's POV

Even when I had reached the dining room, my mind couldn't remember the moment and place I could've lost such an important thing.

My entire room was a mess, since I had wake I kept on looking everywhere where it could've fell.

"You seem like something is not quite right... Is there something that bothers you, my sweetest creampie?"

"Well... Umm, yes..... Adrian?" I stuttered in front of the man before me, that watched me like a predator.

"Yes, butterfly?" he smiled sweetly.

"Umm, have you... Seen my ring? It was a simple one, with a single stone on it." my voice shook.

"Oh, could it be you mean this one, with the nice inscription of that berserk demon's name?"he waved it before me, playing with it between his fingers.

"Do-do not call him like that, please..." I mutter.

A couple of seconds of pressuring silence existed before him to cut through with his words like a scythe.

"(Y/n), do not tell me you regret now." he scoffed, watching me threateningly.

"I-!!... I... do not. But why is my belonging in your hand? Since when have you started to steal from me?"

His glare went so dark, so deep, so scary, so crazy... His low tone of voice made my heart beat powerfully, but not out of excitement, but of fear.

"Yes. Shame on me for doing such a thing... But, whatever. You do not need this anymore, anyway, now do you?" he came beside me, tracing my features with the precious stone of the ring.

I was shivering in fear and nothing but panic creep within my mind.

"N-no..." I finally uttered the lie, watching how his look was now becoming warm and evil in the same time.

"Then..." he threw the ring within my cup of wine. "we shall make sure to get rid of it." he spoke sweetly, stirring the wine within the glass, and making so that the ring disintegrated in it like in acid.

Satisfied with the result, his smirk grew wider and, hungrily looking at the cup, he gulped it entirely, one last shot left.

"Take it." he put one hand behind my neck and the other holding the glass on my lips. "Taste your sins and your betrays. The flavor is delicious."

Author's POV

The sun was already setting. She exhaled and watched the world under her dangling feet. Poor people living their lives happily - in misery or not -, children playing and laughing - hungry or not -, adults working for a better life - faithful or not-.

And there she was: not even knowing if she became now a part of them, or if she was a part of the nobility... In fact: where did she belong?

The life she wanted to retrieve kept on being delayed.

Her thoughts were interrupted by this set of steps well known to her.

Reader's POV

"Could it be you came here to admire the beauty of the bloody city at this time? The red is remarkable, isn't it?"

"Y-yes. That's right, Grell..." I watched the shinigami sit next to me on the rooftop's edge.

We both watched the sunset in an unsettling silence, that Grell disrupted later:

"You know I don't like you. You were married to my Sebas-chan and you're so fucking dumb."

"Yeah. I'm aware of that." I sigh.

"You even helped Undertaker to kill him." he continued.


"You really annoy me, you know."


"Oy. I'm speaking all calm to you right now, but if you keep saying just 'yeah' I might change my behavior..."


"ARE YOU MOCKING ME???" Grell scolds me, visibly annoyed.

"Nope..." I spoke in deep thoughts.

The red-head calms down and sits back in his place.

"You seem off... ...Could it be you find something smelling fishy also?"

"Fishy?" I ask, now looking at him.

"Yes. Perhaps about Undertaker?"

"Why would I?" I couldn't understand.

"You're too dumb for this. I knew it." Grell gave up, sighing. "Ok. I'll tell you straight: I heard Undertaker speaking with my Will and he confessed to him the fact he wants to kill you. That he deceived you in killing Sebas-chan and that he wants to end with you also."

"Wha-... No. That's not possible! Sebastian was the one that wanted to kill me-..."

"NO." he interrupted me. "Sebastian wanted to get you back to your home and he was using Queen's plan to have access to information and so."

"In fact.... He never wanted to harm you......"

"He loved you."




"AHHH IT HURTS TO SAY THAT~~!!!" he shrieked, messing up his long hair in annoyance. "Sheesh... Just escape from here tonight. Go somewhere... Somewhere where you know you can be safe."

"B-but... W-what about Undertaker?"

"He's out for tonight, doing some business of his." he tells me emotionless, getting up. "Leave. Now is your chance."

Author's POV

She didn't knew if she did the right choice.

But, there was no other place better than


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