That Butler, Unique

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"Granny, who is this person?"

"He is the most handsome man I have ever seen."

"He seems like a good person."

"He became like that. He was not so good before..."

Granny... Her emerald eyes are easily shining while she speaks about him. And she smiles a little. Exactly as that man is doing in the photo.

He seems happy. Like someone just told him something really funny and he laughs. His hair is shining blue... He's so strange. And seems friendly...


I woke up, getting myself just to open my eyes.

I felt skin under my hand, and so I glared lazily near me.

I was in Sebastian's arms. Most exactly, on his bare chest.

His breathing was constant, and I could also hear his regular heartbeat. His eyes were closed.

He was looking asleep.

But I knew demons don't sleep. And that they didn't have a heart.

'Even so, good try, demon.'

I then let my gaze wander over his naked body.

Just his lower part was covered by the sheets.

The rest of his pale skin was showing itself full of contrasting love bites.

Actually, there were love bites on both our bodies. Though the ones on my body were way more accentuated.

I tried to touch one of my hickeys out of curiosity, that was darker and that was on my belly and it hurt pretty much.

Whatsoever, the (serious) bite I have made on Sebastian's shoulder looked a lot more painful than any other hickey.

A little feeling of guilt was building up inside me, making my heart squeeze.

'What's up with this?? Snap out of it, (y/n)! He's a demon! I bet he has some regenerating power thingy... Or something, right...?'

As I was staring at his bruises and thinking - as usual- the things way too much, Sebastian opened his eyes.

"Good morning, my kitten. How did you sleep?" he said in a fake sleepy tone.

"Don't call me that." I replied groggily. "And don't try to fool me. I know you didn't sleep. Which I did, very well actually."

"Ah, as expected. Milady is as smart and fast as always, even so early in the morning. And I am happy you have rested well." he said happily and kissed my hair.

I felt how I was starting to blush and my pulse to rise and so I needed to change the subject.

"Whatever! What time is it that you still didn't disappear to follow your master's orders, you dog?" I replied, intending indeed to sound mean, but the pain from down there, while I was trying to get out of bed, was making me sound even harsher.

Before answering my question, Sebastian cleared his throat, obviously stabbed a little because of me calling him a dog.

"It is still 5 in the morning. My lord will be waking up at 8. So there is nothing for you to worry, milady, as this will not affect my service to the young master. Our relationship, that is." he whispered the last sentences in my ear and hugging me from the back. That added to the feeling of his muscular bare chest glued to my back, made me shiver and blush harder. It made me remember how that skin and those muscles felt last night under my touch. How every fiber was tensing every time I touched it...

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