That Butler, Planning Future

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"Good morning to you too, (y/n)." Ciel sarcastically greeted me. "I thought I sent Mey-Rin to call you in my office since two hours ago already." he said, towering over me from behind and taking the book I was reading from my hands, studying its cover.

"Ah~, about that-..."

"Macbeth? Haven't you had already read this?" he questioned me, interrupting me and rising an eyebrow.

"I did, but I wanted to study it a bit more." I lied while getting rid of my glasses, putting them on the coffee table in front of me.

"What's so interesting about it? It's just a crazy woman sustaining something that is better that it's not allowed in our society." he spoke, sitting on the coffee table, closing the book and holding it in one hand, while staring in my eyes.

"It's interesting how women were so retained by men around them, these days. In the future, it is not like this." I told him, getting the glasses from the table, afraid that he might break them if he continues like this.

"So, in the future, women would be free to do such scandalous actions as wearing pants whenever they would like?" he leaned forward, closing a bit the distance between us.

"Ciel, wearing pants it's not scandalous. I'm wearing pants even now, but I don't even hear you complaining."

"Indeed. Well, I guess that it is not that bad." he glanced over my shorts. "But I heard that in the future, both women and men will sell their bodies, worse than prostitutes nowadays." he took the glasses from my hand and put them on his nose.

"And develop all these kinds of fetishes, so there will be special places with thematic. I heard there will be this fetish with guys wearing glasses. Does wearing glasses really make men hotter?" he spoke, pinning me elegantly to the chair and so forcing me to look at his face.

"Some of them." I said, snatching the glasses and getting off of the chair, pushing him off also.

"Have you heard of "older guys" fetish?"


"I'm into that stuff." I stuck my tongue at him and left for the door.

I could hear him chuckle.

"Won't you come? You said you had something to tell me, right?" I looked at him from over my shoulder.

He was on the coffee table, grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, come on." he suddenly rose and walked behind me.

After we gathered in Ciel's office, with Sebastian present, Ciel opened something like a letter, that from what I could see, had the stamp of the royal court.

"So what is it that Queen wants this time?" I asked in a lively manner.

"Nothing more than what we had originally established." Ciel said handing me and Sebastian each a set of papers. "The Queen solely sent you the schedule of your marriage."

"Schedule?" I asked confused scanning quickly the papers.

"Yes. Basically, plans for your arranged marriage."

"WHAT!" I choke on my own saliva, seeing on one of the papers two bolded tasks: Pregnancy, Birth Of The Baby.

"What's this?" I asked Ciel, showing him the words that got my total attention.

"Don't you know how to read? So that's why you kept fumbling with that book since this morning..." Ciel commented mockingly.

"Don't be stupid! I'm just asking why the hell is this scheduled?? And why am I supposed to actually do it?"

"You brought this upon yourself. Now suffer." he said nonchalantly.

"I brought this?? You practically threatened me with death to get in this!" I complain, yelling at the blue-eyed boy.

"Whatever! It's the same thing." he sighed, closing his eyes and folding his arms, uncaring.

"I'm telling you IT'S NOT!!" I continued to argue with him, yelling at him while leaning forward, from across him.

"I did my job. I'll tell the Queen you agreed..." he mumbled happily, signing some other papers.

"WAIT!! We can choose?!" I groaned.

"I can't believe you're just shoving this down my throat!" I protested, letting myself fall on the chair.

"Darling, I haven't shoved anything down your throat. Yet." he raises his look from the papers to me, giving me a strange glance.

"I... I don't get you. Really... And how come you say that, when you do practically threaten me to do everything! You said you'll let the Queen know we 'agreed' but I haven't even said anything like being ok with any of it!!"

"Stop complaining. All of us already know you'll end up doing it all if we say you shall. So let's stop the dramatizing." he looked at me seriously. "Or you'll feel better after you do all this drama? If your conscience will be cleaner like that..."

"Tsk. Do you even have one?" I clicked my tongue and sighed.

I looked at Sebastian. He stayed silent the entire time. He was just reading thoroughly the schedule like some damn casual magazine.

"Won't you like some coffee to that magazine, Mr. Michaelis?" I commented ironically, feeling how my anger started to boil the blood in me.

"Hm?" he reacted so distractedly. "No, thank you, Mrs. Michaelis." he smiled devilishly.

"You really felt the need to emphasize that, didn't you?" I said pouty.

"Of course-..."

"Oh please spare me! No fucking flirting in my office, unless it's me who makes it. Go get a room or something if you really feel the urge, tsk." Ciel cut him out.

"Young master, when have you learned such words? I am genuinely worried about your manners lately." Sebastian remarked, giving the boy a couple of death-glares, probably for having the guts to interrupt him.

"Queen also told me to let you know that from now on you are "Queen's Black Rose". Sebastian will take the name of "Queen's Devil"." Ciel changed the subject, distracting himself with some more paperwork.

"Devil? Pfft! Are you sure she's not aware he's the real deal?" I laugh at the Queen's choice of nicknames.

"Yeah... She might be the Queen, but she's too stupid to go that far." Ciel mumbled, paying attention to the papers and playing with his pen.

"Alright.." I exhaled. "I'll go in my room and read this for real. See ya!" I got up and walked to the door.

"(y/n)." Ciel called.

"Yes?" I turned to him.

A couple of minutes passed like months, in the pressure of silence and his glance on me.

"Mn, nothing. Just checking something." he smiled.

"Huh?" I was clueless. And so seemed Sebastian, that was currently looking at his master with an eyebrow raised and curiosity plastered in his glare.

"Have a good day!" Ciel continued, waving at me.

"G-good day..."

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