That Master, Stealing Her

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A kiss.

"(Y/n), please be mine..."


I snapped awake from my dream.

A very weird dream.

Ciel was confessing...?

I DON'T even want to remember!

'Woah! How dirty can my mind be?! I mean: Ciel?? Really? Why would he?'

(btw, if you wanna know how's that Reader has every time new clothes -that aren't specific to that century- take note that Sebs is creating whatever Reader-chan asks for [he's a demon after all. he can do wuteva he wants B))

As there was never something interesting to do, except going in the town or reading, I decided to go and piss off a bit Ciel while he's on his lessons.

My dream might have been a bit weird, but it has remembered me that lately, Ciel has been pretty moody and not really willing to speak with me. Which kinda saddened me, because even though his attitude could have been a bit rough sometimes, he was a good and interesting fellow.

There were times in my first days in the manor in which we would have been staying up late, on the rooftop of the manor, watching the sky, drinking lemonade and speaking about stuff in general. Of course, no one in the entire manor -neither Sebastian- knew that we used to do that.

But unfortunately, we stopped to do that for some reason. He just stopped coming to the rooftop, as much as I would have waited for him.

It was pretty sad.

But today I had decided it would be a start for good and happy days.

When I entered the library, I made sure to be silent, as I didn't want them to know I was here.

Plus, it was pretty interesting to see the way Ciel was trying to take his revenge -somehow- on Sebastian, while fencing classes.

"YOU-... DAMNED-... Argh!!!! BASTARD!!! I-... HATE-... UGH!-... THE CRAP-... MN!-... OUT OF YOUU!!!" he yelled while trying to put Sebastian down, but ending up just punching the air with the sword instead.

"My, my! But you seem pretty flustered!" I laughed as I went near him, watching him taking a break.

"And pretty tired~!" I cooed to him while patting his back, him trying to regain his breath, resting his palms on his knees.

"Like you could do better against this thing." he was referring to Sebastian, and an irritated sigh could be heard escaping from the demon butler.

"Haha, wanna bet? I'm hella good at fencing! I am a Midford after all." I laughed.

"Even so, I am afraid you might be disappointed, milady. I actually consider your chances of defeating me lower than 20%." Sebastian responded with a superior aura and smile.

"Oh really? Very well then! Let's see who wins!" I said full of energy, stealing Ciel's sword and pointing it to the demon.

"My pleasure to beat you." he smirked, getting himself en garde as well. He was going to be serious, and I loved that, because, even at this rate, I knew I could win over him.

I went all offensive and tried to harm in any way that demon. He tried to change positions and put me down, but I discharged any attempt of his of becoming offensive. My skills were on point, and I was going to win.

Exactly when I was about to punch Sebastian with the fencing sword in his heart, Ciel intervened, catching the sword's pointy end and my hand.

"Don't disgrace my butler so much, will you?" he said looking in my eyes deeply.

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