That Butler, Forever Young

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I couldn't sleep well that night.

My heart kept fluttering and in my mind were always popping up Sebastian's actions.


Morning came sooner or later and so did Tanaka to wake me up.

Tanaka "excused" Sebastian for his "missing" saying that he had something urgent to do with Ciel earlier that morning for a case about a serial killer, and so he was not yet home.

It would seem that various prostitutes were murdered lately. And of course that "the Queen's Watchdog" was in charge of it.

Mey-rin took care of my outfit. But because it was her, I insisted to wear short black trousers and a pretty long white shirt that had some thin black stripes on it (that I borrowed from her this time). On a whim, I wanted to look elegant today, close to office style, so I assorted some (f/c) high-heeled shoes. I put my hair in a straight long ponytail.

I then went into the library hoping to find something interesting for me to read it in the garden.

But, when I entered the large room, I found (y/bf/n) sitting on an armchair, reading a book.

"(y/n)!" she smiled widely. She was dressed in a long dark green dress, all lady-like, and so like that era.

"(y-y/bf/n)... Are you ok?" I stuttered while being gently hugged by her. She didn't seem like herself at all since usually, her hugs are what one can call real bear-hugs.

"Why of course! Why do you ask, (y/n), dear?"

(y/n)...?.... Dear...?


"Who the hell are you and what you did with my alien girlfriend???" I pulled back scared at the new... Better said brainwashed (y/bf/n).

"Nothing, silly! It's still me!" she laughed mannered.

I looked at her in pure horror.

And then I observed something strange: wrinkles near her eyes and a pretty thick string of white hair arranged in her bun.

Now that I looked a little closer... Wasn't she looking a little... O-older?

"And? How come you're here, sweetheart?"

'Sweetheart?? Oh man! Where's her sassy and bitc*ing attitude?'

"W-well... I came for a book to read in the garden of roses..."

"Oh, I see! Well, I may recommend this book!" she said sweetly and lend me a big book named "Declaration on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex" by Cornelius Agrippa.

"As I know you, I thought you may like it!"

"Right. Thanks." I headed awkwardly to the door.

"Oh and (y/n)? That shirt is really sexy, girl! I think Sebas will drool all over it!"

I turned to face her. She was smirking playfully at me.

Now that's my alien girl!!

"Yah!! What're you sayin', stupid!? What do you know?? Spit it all out!" I shouted embarrassed.

"Humm... I know that he likes you. A lot! That he strips and eats you all just with his look."

"How would you even know that?!" I blushed intensely.

"It happens whenever you're around him, smartass. Everyone that pays a little bit more attention can see that! Really, you're still so dense, (y/n)!"

She's back!

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