That Ex-Master, Hard Times

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Ciel's POV

Outside it was starting, maybe, one of the biggest storms I've seen in my life.

The thunders were, now, the only ones left echoing in the manor. The lightning, the only one that embraced me in this thick darkness.

It was pretty cold. Bard and Tanaka set the fire, but I have left the window open to my office. Either I was becoming stupid, either I was really enjoying this coldness. Maybe, after all, this was what it had to happen, and this was the time it had to happen.

I was too tired of all of this anyway. Some peace, finally.

Will it be lonely?



But I had been like that since that incident. That fastidious night, when the fire wasn't happy with only keeping us warm, but felt the need to consume my family as well. Since that cursed night, I was lonely.


Or was I?

Maybe I could've felt a few times in those days the small thrills a heart could withstand when happy, when jealous, when confessing, when enjoying... Maybe the little circle that meant this manor was really tender and fond towards me and did its best to offer me what it could.

I tossed the cigarette in the ashtray and watched on the window the way the hell was unleashing.

Sebastian would've always taken my cigarettes away and just nag at me for being this unthoughtful when it came of my health, how much of a stupid thing was for me to smoke when I had asthma. But who cared? He was there to keep me safe and sane.

And her...

She was the same as he was... Actually... Actually, no. She was warmer. She was what I needed. She was... What Elizabeth always tried to be.

But the thing Elizabeth never understood was that she didn't need to change. She was unique. She was powerful and independent.

And maybe I should've said that to her personally, not within a letter.

I put the pen down, putting the paper in its envelope. The black ribbon around it was so sinister, but it was adorning the envelope graciously, beautifully, like a sad story ending with a sweet sinful embrace.

I exhaled the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I looked up at the window. Lightning striking in the chaotic sky, raindrops smearing against the tall windows.

I took the long rope I had let on the couch near the door. I have found it in the basement near a purple kite.

I played with it a bit and made some knots.

I looked up.


I wanted to catch those stars.

I threw the lasso to get them, but they were so beautiful I wanted to watch them closer.

I walked on the chair.

I looked at them.

Their flicker was so peaceful.

I wanted to imprint them on my vision, for it to be the last thing to remember.

Then I flew.

And I gasped for air.

I felt the darkness taking me over.

I smiled.

And I gasped for air...

And I flew...

And I gasped...

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