That Butler, History

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*A/N: in this fanfiction, I moved the actions from the original anime/manga and made it so the events happen when Ciel is 18 (just as our Reader).

It was heavily raining outside. I could hear the drops smacking against the tall windows.

I was staying in the library of my mansion, with my best friend, on the floor and surrounded by old books.

I was looking for something to confirm the deep old roots of the Funtom company my parents were leading.

"I officially hate school projects!" I said letting out a deep sigh. "Really, so much trouble just for the teachers to see my family tree. Thank you so much for helping me with this, (y/bf/n)!"

"No worries! You know you can count on me every time. It's just that I found information just till the 4th ancestor... Ciel... Phantomhive."

"Hmm... I guess he's the reason the company is called "Funtom" ..." I said leaning towards (y/bf/n)'s found journal.

"Not him. But his father. His father was the one that initiated the company... His name was Vincent."

"Well, now that is an aristocrat-like name!" I said thinking of what could that man look like.

"Maybe... But I can't find anything about his death. From my calculations, I'm sure he and his wife died when their son was like 10 or so...But there's nowhere that mentions the way they died..."

"Kyoya's late uncle, Tanaka, was really so exact! He was even saying the hours of every little thing that happened in the manor, from morning till the night!" I said looking amazed at some other journals from the ground.

"Yup! But look at this! There is something here on the last page of this journal! But I don't quite understand..." says (y/bf/n) while tilting her head.

"It's Latin, (y/bf/n), you smartass!"

I started to read the inscription out loud:

"Ille hoc legis, praeteritum vadis potis, si tu descendentes Phantomhive vos. Iste aureus haberis et dic: «Ego -loco- , -tempus- nunc ire volis»"

"Hmm... I guess it means something like: "Thou the one who read this, can go to the past if thou are a descendant of the Phantomhive. Wear this necklace and say: «I want to go to -place-, -time- now»."..."

"Amazing!" says (y/bf/n) looking at me. "Really, I'm impressed! Now, since when did you know Latin, "smartass"??"

"I am a Midford. Do you really think dad would've let me skip the Latin classes? He thinks this language is "still useful" to us since our family is still friends with the queen."

"Oh, that's right~! I forgot I have a V.I.P. as my best friend~ Whatever... What do you think we should do now~? Come to think of it... The essay about the history of the family... Did you do it yet?"

"Nope..." I said in the middle of a sigh.

I took the nice pendant with a blue stone in it from the inside of the journal. I took a look at it and then glared at my friend with a grin and said:

"Let's see what happens if we'll do as this Latin "spell" is telling us to... Hopefully, it will miraculously send us to the past and so I'll somehow manage to write my essay like this!"

We both laugh at that idea.

"Then... Let's try!" (y/bf/n) says giving me suddenly a deadly-serious look.

"...Hope dies the last, huh?" I said hesitating for a second. "Ready?"

"Of course!"

We take hold of the pendant and syncing say:

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