That Butler, Insatiable

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For a moment I thought he whispered "My goddess...", to me.

"C-Ciel? Umm... You're kinda close, you know..." I stuttered like an idiot, trying to concentrate at the ceiling behind him.

"Oh really? I didn't realize!" he said mockingly.

I knew that this was going nowhere good.

"Would you like to date me?"

Ciel's serious tone startled me, my brain catching up to his words too late.

"What about asking her husband about his opinion on that, first?" Sebastian's deep voice echoed in the room.


"Sebastian get out of here." Ciel demanded, interrupting me.

"I am afraid I am unable to do so, master."

"Sebastian, move."

He stayed still in front of the door.

"Do you hear me?? I said MOVE!!" Ciel yelled, not troubling to turn around to look at him.

I could see Sebastian slowly walking towards us, like some predator, with a deathly look in his eyes.

"Would you really like to date her? Why?" he asked like that Snake in Ciel's year.

"That is not your problem, demon." spoke Ciel, getting off of me and grabbing my hand, pulling me in his arms.

I could see Sebastian, sitting on the edge of the bed, a hand still reaching towards me, a sign that he tried to catch me but he failed.

"Sebastian, this is an order: get us to the carriage, outside." Ciel commanded.

The butler did as told. Sometimes I might've looked behind me seeking his eyes, but for some reason, he was always facing the ground, never looking back at me.

"Now, sign these papers."

Ciel handed them to him, and I could see this big bolded word that shook me entirely: "Divorce".

"Ciel! What are those?" I asked the boy near me.

"I'm not going to do this!" the older male thundered.

"Oh yes, you will!" Ciel laughed. "Because it's an order."

Silence and tension installed around us.

"What in the world are you even doing, Ciel?! You have Elizabeth, who loves you so much!"

"But I don't love her back!!" he snapped back to me.

"... And you think I felt anything towards this guy from the start? You'll eventually learn to grow attached to her in that way, also."

"I'm already attached to you." he said, and got me forcefully inside the carriage, closing the door eventually.

The carriage started to move immediately, at some amazing speed.

"Where to, sir?" a very peasant-like accent questioned, with a strange voice that my mind somehow seemed to recognize in a way, waking a bubbly feeling inside me... May that be of hope or may that be of danger.

Whatsoever, I couldn't identify the person which that eccentric voice belonged to.

"That church..." Ciel answered in a loud tone for the unknown lackey to hear.

Was all this prepared? They were speaking like they would've planned this since before.

"What are we going to do there?" I questioned Ciel.

He kept watching my hand in his and fumbling with my fingers.

He was not giving me any reply.

"Are you sane??!!" I yelled and yanked my hand.

The carriage came to a sudden stop, and the earl fell on top of me, pinning me to the other bench.

His eyes were fierce, they were frightening, and seemed lost of any sanity. Or was it sadness that was creating that?

"Are ya two 'kay there?" the lackey outside called for us.


With that answer, it was like Ciel's entire being changed. He was a man. His look piercing through me, his body towering over me, even his voice. It was like everything about him just suddenly matured up.

It was scary.

"Let's get off."

If he seemed cold before, then now he was freezing.

"Ciel, tell me what are we doing here!" I yelled at him, demanding an explanation, but he wouldn't let anything escape his features.

I turned around fast to look for the lackey, but there was no one in the seat.

'Where did he go...?'

"Come on." the young male pulled me towards the church.

It was like I've seen it before, but I didn't know where.

A small black, Gothic church, with two little benches on a side of its entrance, placed on a sunny field, and an enormous tree making its sweet shadow.

In my entire darkness and panic, some little happiness grew inside me, with some frail hope.

We entered the building.

"Sit here." Ciel spoke, sitting me on the aisle full of beautiful flowers.

"You like reading, now don't you?" Ciel was looking inside a big old book that looked like it would tear apart every moment.

"What's with you...?" my tone was so small, close to a whisper.

"I said it before, didn't I?" he sighed, sitting next to me, searching thoroughly within the pages.

"What about? You're speaking pretty much, you know?"

We both chuckled.

"Sure." he had a fading smile on his lips. "So you're not afraid of me anymore?" his eyes were showing a fade of mercy.

"It's... I... I don't get why are we here?"

"You may count it as my failed-confession present." he chuckled once again, fumbling with his hair -something very unlike him.

"Do you remember those nights we spent talking on the rooftop? God, how much I miss those!" he sighed.

He placed the book on my lap and showed me some lines in old Hebrew.

"Too bad we'll not be able to do that again." he smiled bitterly. "As you'll go home."

"...What?" I was surprised. It was like some miracle.

"I went on my own research. All you have left to do is to say those lines and you will be able to go back."

"I... Ciel..."

"Probably you thought I had some crazy evil plan for you, didn't you?" he laughed sadly. "I said it before: I've grown attached to you. I feel the need to have you near me but... As you've said. I have Elizabeth. I can't hurt her. And sincerely, I want you to be happy. I know you wanted to go home... I feel like this would be the best thing to do for all of us." he spoke while placing back some strands of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll miss you." I smiled, giving him a hug.

It was like I just met my hero. A hero that regained my lost way.

"Me too. Please be safe." I could feel him inhaling some of my hair's scent.

"You know some basic Hebrew, don't you?" he asked me, parting from the hug.

"Yes... Moreover, this is the same as the spell that brought me here, isn't it?"

"I guess... I don't know. But I just can bet that it will take you home."

"Very well then. Here we go!" I inhaled and prepared myself to read out the spell.

Tango with the DemonOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara