That Butler, Black Butler [FINAL]

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Reader's POV

I stand before what I have called my house for such a long time. What I have thought was just a couple of months, became, in fact, a year and a half of living in this beautiful place.

I walked through the enormous gates I have passed that day along with my friend, not knowing that time the life-changing experiences I was going to pass through while being here.

I went in the garden, where I remembered the so many nights walking aimlessly, admiring the beauty of the roses rising gracefully through the darkness, smelling the drunken air, letting myself embraced by the loneliness I once felt.

I saw lights coming out from Ciel's office.

Lured by my longing feelings I let myself enter the manor. There was silence around the house.

I went into the living room and watched the entire room. Every single thing placed just as always, the warm air, the fire cracking intimately, resonating within the wide room.

In the dim light, I watched the family photos.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the one I have made in the first two months while being here.

"They got rid of it already, huh?" I smiled sadly, talking to myself.

But right then, another picture catches my attention.

A certain picture of a man, laughing in the beautiful light.

Its hair's color, what I once thought it was a blueish tone, it was in fact as black as night's savage sky.

And then, I reminded it.

That photo.

"Granny, who is this person?"

"He is the most handsome man I have ever seen."

"He seems a good person."

"He became like that. He was not so good before."

It was not Ciel.

It was him.

This entire time, the person in that picture was that berserk demon!

Maddened, adrenaline mingled with thick drops of fear rushing through my veins. I run.

My heavy yet numb feet drove me to what used to be Ciel's office. I still couldn't have found the reason to why I did so, even when I reached the door's knob.

I let myself enter, and took in the sight before me:
Sebastian working at Ciel's office.

"Ah, you're here already." he talks, barely raising his head from the papers.


His voice. His calming voice! But the look he gives me is that of a stranger.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"I...." I couldn't find my words.

Was this a dream? This couldn't have been real. He vanished that cursed evening right in my arms, after all. I buried his ashes with my own hands!

"Sebastian, I-...!!"

"Sebas-chan!" a singing voice enters in the dim-lighted room.

"Lizzy, darling." he sweetly smiles to the young lady.

That smile... It used to be addressed to me.

I longed for it.

He opens his arms and hugs the blonde tightly, lightly adorning a kiss on the top of her head.

"Oh my! Who is the lady?"

"Well, she is a guest, for what I can see."

"No I-... I was just leaving." I say, a small shiver rushing through my spine.

"I am Elizabeth! You may call me Lizzy! I'm Sebby's fiancee!" she politely and cutely introduces herself.

"Sebastian's..... But Ciel..."

"Oh. So you must be an old friend of the house." he chuckles oh so elegantly, then turns with a small frown. "My late cousin -God rest him in peace- has deceased a few years ago, along with my late uncle, Vincent, and his wife, within a regretful fire that took place in this same manor. I followed in reign so I overtook the entire holdings of the Phantomhive family."

I was feeling a bit light-headed as I was taking in the entire story my husband was telling.

Wait. He's not my husband anymore. He's Lizzie's future groom now.

I averted my eyes to his hands: our rings! He had his! While Ciel's family ring adorned his big thumb now.

But then how could he-...

Wait. The exact same ring I used to have from him, was now on Elizabeth's finger.

What in the world was happening?!

"I then... Am sorry! I shall take my leave! I beg your pardon for disturbing!"

"Have a beautiful night, miss."

I left the office like a storm, walking by Mey-Rin, Bard and Finny.

"Miss! Where are you going?" Finny caught my arm.

"A better question would be how did she get here?" Bard spoke.

"Maybe she's our guest, yes!" Mey-Rin fumbled with her skirt's bows.

"Hmmm... But I don't remember letting her in." Bard hummed thoughtfully.

"G-guys? D-do you... really not remember me??" my eyes started to water.

"S-shall we, miss?" Bard blinked, not having any idea.

I run towards the entrance door and outside, climbing my way to the rooftop.

"Ah~ I told you she must have been our guest! Now probably she's all sad." Finny scolds Bard innocently.

I sat on the edge of the rooftop.

I looked once more over the place I used to call "my home", and people working that I used to call "my family".

I watched my feet reaching close to the edge.

I saw a shadow approaching behind me and felt the smell of the perfume I used to love.

A sinning voice sings breathily within my ear:

"My beloved (Y/n)."

I inhaled his scent.

I let myself indulge in its subtle promise to a long journey to come.

And hoped for the destination to be a better place.

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