That Butler, Aesthetical

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"Would you mind if I would be your butler while you are staying here, lady (y/n)?" asked Sebastian, bowing his head.

"Umm... I guess it would be fine..." I answered. I couldn't really find the problem with such a thing.

I then followed him to the room prepared for me. It was spacious, with a royal bed and nice and elegant furniture. The predominant shades were blue and lily.

The windows had a view of the garden full of flowers and I could see a little of the front gate too.

"I love this room!" I smiled and turned to Sebastian, who was right behind me.

'Probably he was watching the sight too' I thought, too busy with filling my lungs with the smell of lavender from the room.

"I'm happy that you like it!" answered the butler with a slight smile on his lips.

For a moment I thought that I saw his eyes' color turning a little pinkish, but I convinced myself that it was just my imagination and returned to inspecting the room.

I opened a door and it was leading to a very big bathroom. A bathtub was in the center and everything was white. I thought it seemed pretty much like my bathroom from home.

"Would you like to take a bath, milady?" asked Sebastian looking at me, entering after me in the bathroom.

I was pretty tired and a hot bath was sounding so good.

"Yes, why not!" I smiled, already thinking of how I will relax.

"Well then, permit me to prepare it." said Sebastian, taking his tailcoat off and pulling up his shirt's sleeves.

I stayed on a chair near the door and watched the way he prepared the bath. I easily started to pay attention to his moves, his hands' muscles tensing while pouring the hot water within the bathtub, his thumbs spreading petals of roses in it and making bubbles.

In a few minutes, he was already done, without me even realizing.

"Well, this is it! Now please take your clothes off and enter carefully in the water. I still don't know if the temperature is to your liking, milady..." glared at me Sebastian with his deep brown-red eyes.

"Heh?" I was not really aware of what he was saying, just at that moment, he started to chuckle softly.

"You can get undressed without any problem, milady. I will be outside. When you're in the water you can call me to help you bathe." Sebastian winked at me while getting out and closing the door behind him.

"O-oh... yeah... ... ... ...WAIT, WHAT?!" I whispered-yelled the last words as I caught up to what he just said.

'He?! To bath me?! What about «HELL NO»?' I thought while stripping and getting in the water.

The temperature was so good that I leaned a little against the sides of the bathtub and relaxed.

I then found the shampoo and soap that were standing on a little round table near the bathtub and washed myself.

I finished quickly and got dressed in the same clothes since I didn't have the time to choose something new from the annexed wardrobe of my room.

I then left the bathroom, opening the door to see an "about-to-knock & concerned" Sebastian.

His expression changed fast into a serious one.

"H-hey..." I greeted him awkwardly. I was seeing his eyes examining me from head to toe.

"W-what...? I didn't really have time to choose" I stuttered, blushing a little.

Sebastian was just staying there, looking me in the eyes, not saying anything.

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