That Butler, Fighting For Her

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Sebastian's POV

I had to talk to that mortician as fast as possible.

My heart kept thumping and my head was pulsing sharply.

This was more troublesome than I had ever thought it could be.

And all was because of (Y/n).

"Humans are always such difficult creatures." I sighed.

I was getting closer to his shop. And as more as I was approaching, as much my anger grew.

I entered, storming all the way to him.

"UNDERTAKER!! Where the fuck are you!?" I called for him, as I felt my blood rushing in my body, boiling.

"Ah~ It was you, demon~. What happen-?"

I didn't let him finish his sentence, but gave him a hard punch, directly in his jaw, sending him flying across a coffin.

I clenched my teeth instinctively, feeling angrier while watching his smirk.

"Well... I never thought that you would be this violent without someone to dare you first." he said, wiping away some blood from his mouth.

"I came to talk with you about (y/n)." I tried to say in a calm tone, regaining my composure and emotionless face.

Though my eyes were still burning with anger.

"Oh. So she had already told you about my confession?" he said getting closer to me, revealing light green eyes, similar to Grell's.

"Did she already told you that I love her?" he emphasized the last words in my ear.

I punched him in the face and lift him by his coat.

I felt full jealousy burn within me.

"Stop lying to her!!" I groaned.

"Who says I'm lying? I really do love her."

"No, you don't! You're just making her get delusional."

"I am just telling her the pure truth."

"Say that again and I'll decapitate you." I clenched my hands on his coat.

I wasn't really aware of the intensity of my anger and I was slowly turning in my true form.

I started to realize that, as my nails were getting longer and sharper and where already lodged in my palms, blood dripping.

"Just pacify her already. She's getting on my nerves. Tell her you don't actually love her and that you were mistaken, and then stay away from her, because she isn't yours." I threw him in the wall, breaking it.

"You're telling me to stay away from things that aren't mine, but was she yours, to start with, if she wants me so bad?"

That serious look was getting me sickened.

I left the store and returned to the manor.

Everyone was already asleep and I had nothing to do momentarily, as I had the majority of the things prepared already for tomorrow.

So, I went to my room and sit on the edge of the bed.

I replayed Undertaker's words in my head again and again, and I still couldn't find exactly the answer to his last question.

"Even after last night, I still cannot understand what she is thinking... Actually, I may say that I have not even established any particular bond with her..." I mumbled, looking at my already regenerated palms.

The fact that I got a heartbeat was signifying that I would either fall for her, either that I was dying.

As there was no way for me to die yet, that meant that I was, indeed, falling for (y/n).

I couldn't neglect the fact that I did felt an attraction between us, from the very first day.

However, I was a demon and there was impossible for me to develop any kind of special emotion such as love... now could I?...

Could it be... I was such a low-class demon?... To fall for a mere human?

I shook my head lightly, telling myself that I shouldn't think about that.

I went to the office I had in my room, and tried to distract myself with a book about different types of Indian food.

My thought flew for a moment to (y/n).

"We will be getting married in a few days... I shall talk with her and resolve the things at least a little bit."

I decided to discuss and make up with (y/n) the next day. For that I had to announce my lord first, in the morning, that I will need some free hours, to get her to town and talk with her.

"I hope that will do."

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