"Hey, why do you look boomed?" Liam asked Zayn when he sat on his bed.

"I don't know. I wanted to go with them. That's all." Zayn said looking down.

"Come on, let's play," Liam said.

"Do you mind if I just watch you? I'm not in the mood to play," Zayn said.

"Okay," Liam said shrugging,  he knew Zayn wasn't so fond of video games anyways.

After Liam played for a couple of hours, the dinner was ready and they went downstairs.

"Are you excited to go to Coney Island kids?" Geoff asked Liam and Zayn.

"Yes, dad. I know I am," Liam responded.

"Yes, sir," Zayn said readjusting his glasses on his nose.

"Good, I'm sure you're gonna have so much fun," Karen said.

"Yes, mom. Right, Zayn?" Liam said excitedly.

"Erm... yes, yes ma'am," Zayn said smiling.

They finished their dinner and went upstairs. Zayn was preparing to go to bed.

"Li, what are we doing tomorrow?" Zayn asked.

"Dunno, we can go to the museum that you like," Liam said trying to cheer him up.

"I know you don't like museums," Zayn said.

"I don't, but you wanted to go to a special exhibit or something. My mom can drive us," Liam said.

"No worries. My father bought tickets for us to go next weekend. So, we don't have to go," Zayn said smiling and got into the sleeping bag that he always brought with Liam when they do sleepovers.

"Can you help me with the math assignment then? I haven't done it and I didn't understand anything that the teacher explained," Liam said.

"How were you going to understand if you were exchanging messages with that girl the whole time?" Zayn said chuckling.

"She's so beautiful... and I just send her one message," Liam explained and they were quiet after that.

"Zee, erm... do you like anyone?", Liam asked.

"Erm... no. I don't think so, I haven't... thought about it," Zayn explained.

"Zee, come on! Life's not only about studying and doing homework." Liam said.

"I like doing it. I don't know why people don't understand it sometimes," Zayn said.

"I do. That's why I'm your only best friend," Liam said smiling.

"Yes, you are my only friend," Zayn said smiling.

"We'll see tomorrow what can we do after you help me with the assignment. Good night," Liam said.

"Yes, after I go to feed Jeremiah, I can help you. Good night Li," Zayn said taking off his glasses and putting them next to his pillow.

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