Chapter 23

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Okay so back the story. I hope you enjoyed the little P.O.V's. I've decided the Michael and Ashton chapters are just little sideline story's for my best friends. Anyway just to warn you I said a lot of time was going to pass, so this chapter is set a year later. Hope you enjoy :)

Emma's P.O.V

I'd finally settled back into my life in Scotland. It had been a very long year.

After the first month or so back I got back in contact with Louise and Charlotte and we still talk nearly everyday. They truly are my best friends and I hate that I can't see them everyday.

Louise and Michael finally made it official and have been a proper couple for 6 months now. They're so cute together, they were definitely made for each other.

Charlotte and Ashton are engaged. I personally think they're still too young for all of that but they're extremely happy so who am I to stop them.

Two months ago, me and Calum got back in contact with each other. It was kind of down to my dad constantly nagging me to make things right between us because he felt really awkward around the Hoods. Anyway, me and Calum have sorted our problems and we are slowly rebuilding our friendship, I mean Calum and I have always and will always be best friends, I can't see my life without him in it to be honest, no matter what crap we go through.

Luke on the other hand...I haven't spoken to him since I left Australia. I missed him so much but I just couldn't bring my self to speak to him. I was ashamed of myself for dragging him into all this crap between me and Calum. As much as Char and Lou begged me to talk to him, I couldn't.


Louise: Hellooooooooo!!!

Emma: hey :) x

Louise: have you spoken to Luke yet? x

Emma: you know I haven't Lou x

Louise: Okay, I know you're ashamed or whatever but he has been a total mess since you left.

Emma: if he really feels that way, why can't he talk to me first?.

Louise: he thinks you hate him and never want to talk to him again.
You NEED to speak to him, the boys are coming to Scotland next month...

Emma: WHAT!!!!


Hope you enjoyed! They will get better soon I promise!!

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