Final Notes.

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So this concludes the third installment of The Forgotten Witch Series. This was an extremely fun and intense story to write through. It was full of tears, drama, romance, and action. I decided that because the end of this book is where Voldemort returns, I wanted to give the characters this year to really experience more teen drama I vision young wizards and witches experiencing. For that reason, the drama was amped up to a higher level. One that almost felt overwhelming. 

This installment was huge for Y/N because she had a huge trauma right off the bat. It was intense, dark, and hard to write for the most part. The reason I chose to put it in was because I felt that Y/N was lacking a bit of depth that the other characters have to them. A lot of them have that one thing that seems to be their "big flaw". So I felt the need to give Y/N something that drove her from being a smart and well rounded person to someone who let's their emotions take over to the point where it's the big flaw.

I also decided to end the Y/N X Fred relationship and start a Y/N X Draco relationship because of the previous paragraph. When I though about it, it didn't make sense for Y/N to stay with Fred. He's this goofy guy who plays pranks and loves to joke around and her mischievous side paired well with that. But when I thought about how the Quidditch World Cup would affect her as a person, I felt that she'd start feeling the need for change. Starting with ending her romance. Then Draco came in, totally enemies to lovers trope. Y/N started to realize that the Slytherins aren't necessarily evil people, they've just become products of their upbringing. She also starts to see that most people aren't good or bad, that gray area is huge.

The next story coming is "The Forgotten Witch in A Summer At Grimmauld Place (A Harry Potter Story) Part. 4"

The Forgotten Witch will actually be taking a short hiatus. I'm taking time to add pictures to all the chapters I've posted on each book, many of which I draw myself. So I'm not sure how long this will take, but for now, take time to go see the pictures I'm adding. I'm taking it chapter by chapter. It'll probably about a month because all together, I have over sixty chapters to do. I will also be including the photos in every chapter when first posted going forward.

When the next installment does arrive, I will continue with the posting every Wednesday and Saturday schedule.

With all that being said, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and look forward to seeing what happens next.

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